error('Invalid default filesystem, set FILESYSTEM_DRIVER=local to proceed'); return Command::SUCCESS; } if(config_cache('pixelfed.cloud_storage') == false) { $this->error('Cloud storage not enabled, exiting...'); return Command::SUCCESS; } $this->info(' ____ _ ______ __ '); $this->info(' / __ \(_) _____ / / __/__ ____/ / '); $this->info(' / /_/ / / |/_/ _ \/ / /_/ _ \/ __ / '); $this->info(' / ____/ /> info(' /_/ /_/_/|_|\___/_/_/ \___/\__,_/ '); $this->info(' '); $this->info(' Media Filesystem Fix'); $this->info(' ====================='); $this->info(' Fix media that was created when FILESYSTEM_DRIVER=local'); $this->info(' was not properly set. This command will fix media urls'); $this->info(' and optionally optimize/generate thumbnails when applicable,'); $this->info(' clean up temporary local media files and clear the app cache'); $this->info(' to fix media paths/urls.'); $this->info(' '); $this->error(' Remember, FILESYSTEM_DRIVER=local must remain set or you will break things!'); if(!$this->confirm('Are you sure you want to perform this command?')) { $this->info('Exiting...'); return Command::SUCCESS; } $optimize = $this->choice( 'Do you want to optimize media and generate thumbnails? This will store s3 locally and re-upload optimized versions.', ['no', 'yes'], 1 ); $cloud = Storage::disk(config('')); $mountManager = new MountManager([ 's3' => $cloud->getDriver(), 'local' => Storage::disk('local')->getDriver(), ]); $this->info('Fixing media, this may take a while...'); $this->line(' '); $bar = $this->output->createProgressBar(Media::whereNotNull('status_id')->whereNull('cdn_url')->count()); $bar->start(); foreach(Media::whereNotNull('status_id')->whereNull('cdn_url')->lazyById(20) as $media) { if($cloud->exists($media->media_path)) { if($optimize === 'yes') { $mountManager->copy( 's3://' . $media->media_path, 'local://' . $media->media_path ); sleep(1); if(empty($media->original_sha256)) { $hash = \hash_file('sha256', Storage::disk('local')->path($media->media_path)); $media->original_sha256 = $hash; $media->save(); sleep(1); } if( $media->mime && in_array($media->mime, [ 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/webp' ]) ) { ImageOptimize::dispatch($media); sleep(3); } } else { $media->cdn_url = $cloud->url($media->media_path); $media->save(); } } $bar->advance(); } $bar->finish(); $this->line(' '); $this->line(' '); $this->callSilently('cache:clear'); $this->info('Successfully fixed media paths and cleared cached!'); if($optimize === 'yes') { MediaFixLocalFilesystemCleanupPipeline::dispatch()->delay(now()->addMinutes(15))->onQueue('default'); $this->line(' '); $this->info('A cleanup job has been dispatched to delete media stored locally, it may take a few minutes to process!'); } $this->line(' '); return Command::SUCCESS; } }