target = $target; $this->activity = $activity; } /** * Get the middleware the job should pass through. * * @return array */ public function middleware(): array { return [ new WithoutOverlapping('process-move-undo-legacy-followers:'.$this->target), (new ThrottlesExceptions(2, 5 * 60))->backoff(5), ]; } /** * Determine the time at which the job should timeout. */ public function retryUntil(): DateTime { return now()->addMinutes(5); } /** * Execute the job. */ public function handle(): void { if (config('app.env') !== 'production' || (bool) config_cache('federation.activitypub.enabled') == false) { throw new Exception('Activitypub not enabled'); } $target = $this->target; $actor = $this->activity; $targetAccount = Helpers::profileFetch($target); $actorAccount = Helpers::profileFetch($actor); if (! $targetAccount || ! $actorAccount) { throw new Exception('Invalid move accounts'); } $version = config('pixelfed.version'); $appUrl = config('app.url'); $userAgent = "(Pixelfed/{$version}; +{$appUrl})"; $addlHeaders = [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/ld+json; profile=""', 'User-Agent' => $userAgent, ]; $targetInbox = $actorAccount['sharedInbox'] ?? $actorAccount['inbox_url']; $targetPid = $actorAccount['id']; DB::table('followers') ->join('profiles', 'followers.profile_id', '=', '') ->where('followers.following_id', $actorAccount['id']) ->whereNotNull('profiles.user_id') ->whereNull('profiles.deleted_at') ->select('', 'profiles.user_id', 'profiles.username', 'profiles.private_key', 'profiles.status') ->chunkById(100, function ($followers) use ($actor, $targetInbox, $targetPid) { foreach ($followers as $follower) { if (! $follower->id || ! $follower->private_key || ! $follower->username || ! $follower->user_id || $follower->status === 'delete') { continue; } MoveSendUndoFollowPipeline::dispatch($follower, $targetInbox, $targetPid, $actor)->onQueue('move'); } }, 'id'); } }