<?php namespace App; use App\Util\Lexer\PrettyNumber; use Auth; use Cache; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes; use Storage; class Profile extends Model { use SoftDeletes; /** * The attributes that should be mutated to dates. * * @var array */ protected $dates = ['deleted_at']; protected $hidden = [ 'private_key', ]; protected $visible = ['username', 'name']; public function user() { return $this->belongsTo(User::class); } public function url($suffix = '') { if ($this->remote_url) { return $this->remote_url; } else { return url($this->username.$suffix); } } public function localUrl($suffix = '') { return url($this->username.$suffix); } public function permalink($suffix = '') { return url('users/'.$this->username.$suffix); } public function emailUrl() { if($this->domain) { return $this->username; } $domain = parse_url(config('app.url'), PHP_URL_HOST); return $this->username.'@'.$domain; } public function statuses() { return $this->hasMany(Status::class); } public function followingCount($short = false) { $count = $this->following()->count(); if ($short) { return PrettyNumber::convert($count); } else { return $count; } } public function followerCount($short = false) { $count = $this->followers()->count(); if ($short) { return PrettyNumber::convert($count); } else { return $count; } } public function following() { return $this->belongsToMany( self::class, 'followers', 'profile_id', 'following_id' ); } public function followers() { return $this->belongsToMany( self::class, 'followers', 'following_id', 'profile_id' ); } public function follows($profile) : bool { return Follower::whereProfileId($this->id)->whereFollowingId($profile->id)->exists(); } public function followedBy($profile) : bool { return Follower::whereProfileId($profile->id)->whereFollowingId($this->id)->exists(); } public function bookmarks() { return $this->belongsToMany( Status::class, 'bookmarks', 'profile_id', 'status_id' ); } public function likes() { return $this->hasMany(Like::class); } public function avatar() { return $this->hasOne(Avatar::class)->withDefault([ 'media_path' => 'public/avatars/default.png', ]); } public function avatarUrl() { $url = Cache::remember("avatar:{$this->id}", 1440, function () { $path = optional($this->avatar)->media_path; $version = hash('sha1', $this->avatar->updated_at); $path = "{$path}?v={$version}"; return url(Storage::url($path)); }); return $url; } public function statusCount() { return $this->statuses() ->whereHas('media') ->whereNull('in_reply_to_id') ->whereNull('reblog_of_id') ->count(); } public function recommendFollowers() { $follows = $this->following()->pluck('followers.id'); $following = $this->following() ->orderByRaw('rand()') ->take(3) ->pluck('following_id'); $following->push(Auth::id()); $following = Follower::whereNotIn('profile_id', $follows) ->whereNotIn('following_id', $following) ->whereNotIn('following_id', $follows) ->whereIn('profile_id', $following) ->orderByRaw('rand()') ->distinct('id') ->limit(3) ->pluck('following_id'); $recommended = []; foreach ($following as $follow) { $recommended[] = self::findOrFail($follow); } return $recommended; } public function keyId() { if ($this->remote_url) { return; } return $this->permalink('#main-key'); } public function mutedIds() { return UserFilter::whereUserId($this->id) ->whereFilterableType('App\Profile') ->whereFilterType('mute') ->pluck('filterable_id'); } public function blockedIds() { return UserFilter::whereUserId($this->id) ->whereFilterableType('App\Profile') ->whereFilterType('block') ->pluck('filterable_id'); } public function mutedProfileUrls() { $ids = $this->mutedIds(); return $this->whereIn('id', $ids)->get()->map(function($i) { return $i->url(); }); } public function blockedProfileUrls() { $ids = $this->blockedIds(); return $this->whereIn('id', $ids)->get()->map(function($i) { return $i->url(); }); } public function reports() { return $this->hasMany(Report::class, 'profile_id'); } public function media() { return $this->hasMany(Media::class, 'profile_id'); } public function inboxUrl() { return $this->inbox_url ?? $this->permalink('/inbox'); } public function outboxUrl() { return $this->outbox_url ?? $this->permalink('/outbox'); } public function sharedInbox() { return $this->sharedInbox ?? $this->inboxUrl(); } }