welcome(); } protected function welcome() { $this->info(' ____ _ ______ __ '); $this->info(' / __ \(_) _____ / / __/__ ____/ / '); $this->info(' / /_/ / / |/_/ _ \/ / /_/ _ \/ __ / '); $this->info(' / ____/ /> info(' /_/ /_/_/|_|\___/_/_/ \___/\__,_/ '); $this->info(' '); $this->info(' Welcome to the Pixelfed Installer!'); $this->info(' '); $this->info(' '); $this->info('Pixelfed version: ' . config('pixelfed.version')); $this->line(' '); $this->envCheck(); } protected function envCheck() { if( file_exists(base_path('.env')) && filesize(base_path('.env')) !== 0 && !$this->option('dangerously-overwrite-env') ) { $this->line(''); $this->error('Installation aborted, found existing .env file'); $this->line('Run the following command to re-run the installer:'); $this->line(''); $this->info('php artisan install --dangerously-overwrite-env'); $this->line(''); exit; } $this->installType(); } protected function installType() { $type = $this->choice('Select installation type', ['Simple', 'Advanced'], 0); $this->installType = $type; $this->preflightCheck(); } protected function preflightCheck() { if($this->installType === 'Advanced') { $this->info('Scanning system...'); $this->line(' '); $this->info('Checking for installed dependencies...'); $redis = Redis::connection(); if($redis->ping()) { $this->info('- Found redis!'); } else { $this->error('- Redis not found, aborting installation'); exit; } } $this->checkPhpDependencies(); } protected function checkPhpDependencies() { $extensions = [ 'bcmath', 'ctype', 'curl', 'json', 'mbstring', 'openssl', ]; if($this->installType === 'Advanced') { $ffmpeg = exec('which ffmpeg'); if(empty($ffmpeg)) { $this->error('FFmpeg not found, please install it.'); $this->error('Cancelling installation.'); exit; } else { $this->info('- Found FFmpeg!'); } $this->line(''); $this->info('Checking for required php extensions...'); } foreach($extensions as $ext) { if(extension_loaded($ext) == false) { $this->error("\"{$ext}\" PHP extension not found, aborting installation"); exit; } } if($this->installType === 'Advanced') { $this->info("- Required PHP extensions found!"); } $this->checkPermissions(); } protected function checkPermissions() { if($this->installType === 'Advanced') { $this->line(''); $this->info('Checking for proper filesystem permissions...'); } $paths = [ base_path('bootstrap'), base_path('storage') ]; foreach($paths as $path) { if(is_writeable($path) == false) { $this->error("- Invalid permission found! Aborting installation."); $this->error(" Please make the following path writeable by the web server:"); $this->error(" $path"); exit; } else { if($this->installType === 'Advanced') { $this->info("- Found valid permissions for {$path}"); } } } $this->createEnv(); } protected function createEnv() { $this->line(''); if(!file_exists(app()->environmentFilePath())) { exec('cp .env.example .env'); $this->updateEnvFile('APP_ENV', 'setup'); $this->call('key:generate'); } $name = $this->ask('Site name [ex: Pixelfed]'); $this->updateEnvFile('APP_NAME', $name ?? 'pixelfed'); $domain = $this->ask('Site Domain [ex: pixelfed.com]'); if(empty($domain)) { $this->error('You must set the site domain'); exit; } if(starts_with($domain, 'http')) { $this->error('The site domain cannot start with https://, you must use the FQDN (eg: example.org)'); exit; } if(strpos($domain, '.') == false) { $this->error('You must enter a valid site domain'); exit; } $this->updateEnvFile('APP_DOMAIN', $domain ?? 'example.org'); $this->updateEnvFile('ADMIN_DOMAIN', $domain ?? 'example.org'); $this->updateEnvFile('SESSION_DOMAIN', $domain ?? 'example.org'); $this->updateEnvFile('APP_URL', 'https://' . $domain); $database = $this->choice('Select database driver', ['mysql', 'pgsql'], 0); $this->updateEnvFile('DB_CONNECTION', $database ?? 'mysql'); $database_host = $this->ask('Select database host', ''); $this->updateEnvFile('DB_HOST', $database_host ?? 'mysql'); $database_port_default = $database === 'mysql' ? 3306 : 5432; $database_port = $this->ask('Select database port', $database_port_default); $this->updateEnvFile('DB_PORT', $database_port ?? $database_port_default); $database_db = $this->ask('Select database', 'pixelfed'); $this->updateEnvFile('DB_DATABASE', $database_db ?? 'pixelfed'); $database_username = $this->ask('Select database username', 'pixelfed'); $this->updateEnvFile('DB_USERNAME', $database_username ?? 'pixelfed'); $db_pass = str_random(64); $database_password = $this->secret('Select database password', $db_pass); $this->updateEnvFile('DB_PASSWORD', $database_password); $dsn = "{$database}:dbname={$database_db};host={$database_host};port={$database_port};"; try { $dbh = new PDO($dsn, $database_username, $database_password, [PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION]); } catch (\PDOException $e) { $this->error('Cannot connect to database, check your credentials and try again'); exit; } if($this->installType === 'Advanced') { $cache = $this->choice('Select cache driver', ["redis", "apc", "array", "database", "file", "memcached"], 0); $this->updateEnvFile('CACHE_DRIVER', $cache ?? 'redis'); $session = $this->choice('Select session driver', ["redis", "file", "cookie", "database", "apc", "memcached", "array"], 0); $this->updateEnvFile('SESSION_DRIVER', $session ?? 'redis'); $redis_host = $this->ask('Set redis host', 'localhost'); $this->updateEnvFile('REDIS_HOST', $redis_host); $redis_password = $this->ask('Set redis password', 'null'); $this->updateEnvFile('REDIS_PASSWORD', $redis_password); $redis_port = $this->ask('Set redis port', 6379); $this->updateEnvFile('REDIS_PORT', $redis_port); } $open_registration = $this->choice('Allow new registrations?', ['false', 'true'], 0); $this->updateEnvFile('OPEN_REGISTRATION', $open_registration); $activitypub_federation = $this->choice('Enable ActivityPub federation?', ['false', 'true'], 1); $this->updateEnvFile('ACTIVITY_PUB', $activitypub_federation); $this->updateEnvFile('AP_INBOX', $activitypub_federation); $this->updateEnvFile('AP_SHAREDINBOX', $activitypub_federation); $this->updateEnvFile('AP_REMOTE_FOLLOW', $activitypub_federation); $enforce_email_verification = $this->choice('Enforce email verification?', ['false', 'true'], 1); $this->updateEnvFile('ENFORCE_EMAIL_VERIFICATION', $enforce_email_verification); $enable_mobile_apis = $this->choice('Enable mobile app/apis support?', ['false', 'true'], 1); $this->updateEnvFile('OAUTH_ENABLED', $enable_mobile_apis); $this->updateEnvFile('EXP_EMC', $enable_mobile_apis); $optimize_media = $this->choice('Optimize media uploads? Requires jpegoptim and other dependencies!', ['false', 'true'], 0); $this->updateEnvFile('PF_OPTIMIZE_IMAGES', $optimize_media); if($this->installType === 'Advanced') { if($optimize_media === 'true') { $image_quality = $this->ask('Set image optimization quality between 1-100. Default is 80%, lower values use less disk space at the expense of image quality.', '80'); if($image_quality < 1) { $this->error('Min image quality is 1. You should avoid such a low value, 60 at minimum is recommended.'); exit; } if($image_quality > 100) { $this->error('Max image quality is 100'); exit; } $this->updateEnvFile('IMAGE_QUALITY', $image_quality); } $max_photo_size = $this->ask('Max photo upload size in kilobytes. Default 15000 which is equal to 15MB', '15000'); if($max_photo_size * 1024 > $this->parseSize(ini_get('post_max_size'))) { $this->error('Max photo size (' . (round($max_photo_size / 1000)) . 'M) cannot exceed php.ini `post_max_size` of ' . ini_get('post_max_size')); exit; } $this->updateEnvFile('MAX_PHOTO_SIZE', $max_photo_size); $max_caption_length = $this->ask('Max caption limit. Default to 500, max 5000.', '500'); if($max_caption_length > 5000) { $this->error('Max caption length is 5000 characters.'); exit; } $this->updateEnvFile('MAX_CAPTION_LENGTH', $max_caption_length); $max_album_length = $this->ask('Max photos allowed per album. Choose a value between 1 and 10.', '4'); if($max_album_length < 1) { $this->error('Min album length is 1 photos per album.'); exit; } if($max_album_length > 10) { $this->error('Max album length is 10 photos per album.'); exit; } $this->updateEnvFile('MAX_ALBUM_LENGTH', $max_album_length); } $this->updateEnvFile('APP_ENV', 'production'); $this->postInstall(); } protected function updateEnvFile($key, $value) { $envPath = app()->environmentFilePath(); $payload = file_get_contents($envPath); if ($existing = $this->existingEnv($key, $payload)) { $payload = str_replace("{$key}={$existing}", "{$key}=\"{$value}\"", $payload); $this->storeEnv($payload); } else { $payload = $payload . "\n{$key}=\"{$value}\"\n"; $this->storeEnv($payload); } } protected function existingEnv($needle, $haystack) { preg_match("/^{$needle}=[^\r\n]*/m", $haystack, $matches); if ($matches && count($matches)) { return substr($matches[0], strlen($needle) + 1); } return false; } protected function storeEnv($payload) { $file = fopen(app()->environmentFilePath(), 'w'); fwrite($file, $payload); fclose($file); } protected function postInstall() { $this->line(''); $this->info('We recommend running database migrations now, or you can do it manually later.'); $confirm = $this->choice('Do you want to run the database migrations?', ['No', 'Yes'], 0); if($confirm === 'Yes') { $this->callSilently('config:clear'); sleep(3); $this->call('migrate', ['--force' => true]); $this->callSilently('instance:actor'); $this->callSilently('passport:install'); $confirm = $this->choice('Do you want to create an admin account?', ['No', 'Yes'], 0); if($confirm === 'Yes') { $this->call('user:create'); } } else { $this->callSilently('config:cache'); } $this->info('Pixelfed has been successfully installed!'); } protected function parseSize($size) { $unit = preg_replace('/[^bkmgtpezy]/i', '', $size); $size = preg_replace('/[^0-9\.]/', '', $size); if ($unit) { return round($size * pow(1024, stripos('bkmgtpezy', $unit[0]))); } else { return round($size); } } }