<?php return [ 'emptyTimeline' => 'This user has no posts yet!', 'emptyFollowers' => 'This user has no followers yet!', 'emptyFollowing' => 'This user is not following anyone yet!', 'emptySaved' => 'You haven’t saved any post yet!', 'savedWarning' => 'Only you can see what you’ve saved', 'privateProfileWarning' => 'This Account is Private', 'alreadyFollow' => 'Already follow :username?', 'loginToSeeProfile' => 'to see their photos and videos.', 'status.disabled.header' => 'Profile Unavailable', 'status.disabled.body' => 'Sorry, this profile is not available at the moment. Please try again shortly.', 'block.domain.max' => 'Max limit of domain blocks reached! You can only block :max domains at a time. Ask your admin to adjust this limit.', 'mutedAccounts' => 'Muted Accounts', 'blockedAccounts' => 'Blocked Accounts', 'blockedDomains' => 'Blocked Domains', ];