fractal = new Fractal\Manager(); $this->fractal->setSerializer(new ArraySerializer()); } public function apps(Request $request) { abort_if(!config('pixelfed.oauth_enabled'), 404); $this->validate($request, [ 'client_name' => 'required', 'redirect_uris' => 'required', 'scopes' => 'nullable', 'website' => 'nullable' ]); $client = Passport::client()->forceFill([ 'user_id' => null, 'name' => e($request->client_name), 'secret' => Str::random(40), 'redirect' => $request->redirect_uris, 'personal_access_client' => false, 'password_client' => false, 'revoked' => false, ]); $client->save(); $res = [ 'id' => $client->id, 'name' => $client->name, 'website' => null, 'redirect_uri' => $client->redirect, 'client_id' => $client->id, 'client_secret' => $client->secret, 'vapid_key' => null ]; return $res; } /** * GET /api/v1/accounts/{id} * * @param integer $id * * @return \App\Transformer\Api\AccountTransformer */ public function accountById(Request $request, $id) { $profile = Profile::whereNull('status')->findOrFail($id); $resource = new Fractal\Resource\Item($profile, new AccountTransformer()); $res = $this->fractal->createData($resource)->toArray(); return response()->json($res); } /** * PATCH /api/v1/accounts/update_credentials * * @return \App\Transformer\Api\AccountTransformer */ public function accountUpdateCredentials(Request $request) { abort_if(!$request->user(), 403); $this->validate($request, [ 'display_name' => 'nullable|string', 'note' => 'nullable|string', 'locked' => 'nullable|boolean', // 'source.privacy' => 'nullable|in:unlisted,public,private', // 'source.sensitive' => 'nullable|boolean' ]); $user = $request->user(); $profile = $user->profile; $displayName = $request->input('display_name'); $note = $request->input('note'); $locked = $request->input('locked'); // $privacy = $request->input('source.privacy'); // $sensitive = $request->input('source.sensitive'); $changes = false; if($displayName !== $user->name) { $user->name = $displayName; $profile->name = $displayName; $changes = true; } if($note !== $profile->bio) { $profile->bio = e($note); $changes = true; } if(!is_null($locked)) { $profile->is_private = $locked; $changes = true; } if($changes) { $user->save(); $profile->save(); } $resource = new Fractal\Resource\Item($profile, new AccountTransformer()); $res = $this->fractal->createData($resource)->toArray(); return response()->json($res); } /** * GET /api/v1/accounts/{id}/followers * * @param integer $id * * @return \App\Transformer\Api\AccountTransformer */ public function accountFollowersById(Request $request, $id) { abort_if(!$request->user(), 403); $profile = Profile::whereNull('status')->findOrFail($id); $settings = $profile->user->settings; if($settings->show_profile_followers == true) { $limit = $request->input('limit') ?? 40; $followers = $profile->followers()->paginate($limit); $resource = new Fractal\Resource\Collection($followers, new AccountTransformer()); $res = $this->fractal->createData($resource)->toArray(); } else { $res = []; } return response()->json($res); } /** * GET /api/v1/accounts/{id}/following * * @param integer $id * * @return \App\Transformer\Api\AccountTransformer */ public function accountFollowingById(Request $request, $id) { abort_if(!$request->user(), 403); $profile = Profile::whereNull('status')->findOrFail($id); $settings = $profile->user->settings; if($settings->show_profile_following == true) { $limit = $request->input('limit') ?? 40; $following = $profile->following()->paginate($limit); $resource = new Fractal\Resource\Collection($following, new AccountTransformer()); $res = $this->fractal->createData($resource)->toArray(); } else { $res = []; } return response()->json($res); } /** * GET /api/v1/accounts/{id}/statuses * * @param integer $id * * @return \App\Transformer\Api\StatusTransformer */ public function accountStatusesById(Request $request, $id) { abort_if(!$request->user(), 403); $this->validate($request, [ 'only_media' => 'nullable', 'pinned' => 'nullable', 'exclude_replies' => 'nullable', 'max_id' => 'nullable|integer|min:0|max:' . PHP_INT_MAX, 'since_id' => 'nullable|integer|min:0|max:' . PHP_INT_MAX, 'min_id' => 'nullable|integer|min:0|max:' . PHP_INT_MAX, 'limit' => 'nullable|integer|min:1|max:40' ]); $profile = Profile::whereNull('status')->findOrFail($id); $limit = $request->limit ?? 20; $max_id = $request->max_id; $min_id = $request->min_id; $pid = $request->user()->profile_id; $scope = $request->only_media == true ? ['photo', 'photo:album', 'video', 'video:album'] : ['photo', 'photo:album', 'video', 'video:album', 'share', 'reply']; if($pid == $profile->id) { $visibility = ['public', 'unlisted', 'private']; } else if($profile->is_private) { $following = Cache::remember('profile:following:'.$pid, now()->addMinutes(1440), function() use($pid) { $following = Follower::whereProfileId($pid)->pluck('following_id'); return $following->push($pid)->toArray(); }); $visibility = true == in_array($profile->id, $following) ? ['public', 'unlisted', 'private'] : []; } else { $following = Cache::remember('profile:following:'.$pid, now()->addMinutes(1440), function() use($pid) { $following = Follower::whereProfileId($pid)->pluck('following_id'); return $following->push($pid)->toArray(); }); $visibility = true == in_array($profile->id, $following) ? ['public', 'unlisted', 'private'] : ['public', 'unlisted']; } if($min_id || $max_id) { $dir = $min_id ? '>' : '<'; $id = $min_id ?? $max_id; $timeline = Status::select( 'id', 'uri', 'caption', 'rendered', 'profile_id', 'type', 'in_reply_to_id', 'reblog_of_id', 'is_nsfw', 'scope', 'local', 'place_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at' )->whereProfileId($profile->id) ->whereIn('type', $scope) ->where('id', $dir, $id) ->whereIn('visibility', $visibility) ->latest() ->limit($limit) ->get(); } else { $timeline = Status::select( 'id', 'uri', 'caption', 'rendered', 'profile_id', 'type', 'in_reply_to_id', 'reblog_of_id', 'is_nsfw', 'scope', 'local', 'place_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at' )->whereProfileId($profile->id) ->whereIn('type', $scope) ->whereIn('visibility', $visibility) ->latest() ->limit($limit) ->get(); } $resource = new Fractal\Resource\Collection($timeline, new StatusTransformer()); $res = $this->fractal->createData($resource)->toArray(); return response()->json($res); } /** * POST /api/v1/accounts/{id}/follow * * @param integer $id * * @return \App\Transformer\Api\RelationshipTransformer */ public function accountFollowById(Request $request, $id) { abort_if(!$request->user(), 403); $user = $request->user(); $target = Profile::where('id', '!=', $user->id) ->whereNull('status') ->findOrFail($item); $private = (bool) $target->is_private; $remote = (bool) $target->domain; $blocked = UserFilter::whereUserId($target->id) ->whereFilterType('block') ->whereFilterableId($user->id) ->whereFilterableType('App\Profile') ->exists(); if($blocked == true) { abort(400, 'You cannot follow this user.'); } $isFollowing = Follower::whereProfileId($user->id) ->whereFollowingId($target->id) ->exists(); // Following already, return empty relationship if($isFollowing == true) { $resource = new Fractal\Resource\Item($target, new RelationshipTransformer()); $res = $this->fractal->createData($resource)->toArray(); return response()->json($res); } // Rate limits, max 7500 followers per account if($user->following()->count() >= Follower::MAX_FOLLOWING) { abort(400, 'You cannot follow more than ' . Follower::MAX_FOLLOWING . ' accounts'); } // Rate limits, follow 30 accounts per hour max if($user->following()->where('followers.created_at', '>', now()->subHour())->count() >= Follower::FOLLOW_PER_HOUR) { abort(400, 'You can only follow ' . Follower::FOLLOW_PER_HOUR . ' users per hour'); } if($private == true) { $follow = FollowRequest::firstOrCreate([ 'follower_id' => $user->id, 'following_id' => $target->id ]); if($remote == true && config('federation.activitypub.remoteFollow') == true) { (new FollowerController())->sendFollow($user, $target); } } else { $follower = new Follower(); $follower->profile_id = $user->id; $follower->following_id = $target->id; $follower->save(); if($remote == true && config('federation.activitypub.remoteFollow') == true) { (new FollowerController())->sendFollow($user, $target); } FollowPipeline::dispatch($follower); } Cache::forget('profile:following:'.$target->id); Cache::forget('profile:followers:'.$target->id); Cache::forget('profile:following:'.$user->id); Cache::forget('profile:followers:'.$user->id); Cache::forget('api:local:exp:rec:'.$user->id); Cache::forget('user:account:id:'.$target->user_id); Cache::forget('user:account:id:'.$user->user_id); $resource = new Fractal\Resource\Item($target, new RelationshipTransformer()); $res = $this->fractal->createData($resource)->toArray(); return response()->json($res); } /** * POST /api/v1/accounts/{id}/unfollow * * @param integer $id * * @return \App\Transformer\Api\RelationshipTransformer */ public function accountUnfollowById(Request $request, $id) { abort_if(!$request->user(), 403); $user = $request->user(); $target = Profile::where('id', '!=', $user->id) ->whereNull('status') ->findOrFail($item); $private = (bool) $target->is_private; $remote = (bool) $target->domain; $isFollowing = Follower::whereProfileId($user->id) ->whereFollowingId($target->id) ->exists(); if($isFollowing == false) { $resource = new Fractal\Resource\Item($target, new RelationshipTransformer()); $res = $this->fractal->createData($resource)->toArray(); return response()->json($res); } // Rate limits, follow 30 accounts per hour max if($user->following()->where('followers.updated_at', '>', now()->subHour())->count() >= Follower::FOLLOW_PER_HOUR) { abort(400, 'You can only follow or unfollow ' . Follower::FOLLOW_PER_HOUR . ' users per hour'); } FollowRequest::whereFollowerId($user->id) ->whereFollowingId($target->id) ->delete(); Follower::whereProfileId($user->id) ->whereFollowingId($target->id) ->delete(); if($remote == true && config('federation.activitypub.remoteFollow') == true) { (new FollowerController())->sendUndoFollow($user, $target); } Cache::forget('profile:following:'.$target->id); Cache::forget('profile:followers:'.$target->id); Cache::forget('profile:following:'.$user->id); Cache::forget('profile:followers:'.$user->id); Cache::forget('api:local:exp:rec:'.$user->id); Cache::forget('user:account:id:'.$target->user_id); Cache::forget('user:account:id:'.$user->user_id); $resource = new Fractal\Resource\Item($target, new RelationshipTransformer()); $res = $this->fractal->createData($resource)->toArray(); return response()->json($res); } /** * GET /api/v1/accounts/relationships * * @param array|integer $id * * @return \App\Transformer\Api\RelationshipTransformer */ public function accountRelationshipsById(Request $request) { abort_if(!$request->user(), 403); $this->validate($request, [ 'id' => 'required|array|min:1|max:20', 'id.*' => 'required|integer|min:1|max:' . PHP_INT_MAX ]); $pid = $request->user()->profile_id ?? $request->user()->profile->id; $ids = collect($request->input('id')); $filtered = $ids->filter(function($v) use($pid) { return $v != $pid; }); $relations = Profile::whereNull('status')->findOrFail($filtered->values()); $fractal = new Fractal\Resource\Collection($relations, new RelationshipTransformer()); $res = $this->fractal->createData($fractal)->toArray(); return response()->json($res); } /** * GET /api/v1/accounts/search * * * * @return \App\Transformer\Api\AccountTransformer */ public function accountSearch(Request $request) { abort_if(!$request->user(), 403); $this->validate($request, [ 'q' => 'required|string|min:1|max:255', 'limit' => 'nullable|integer|min:1|max:40', 'resolve' => 'nullable' ]); $user = $request->user(); $query = $request->input('q'); $limit = $request->input('limit') ?? 20; $resolve = (bool) $request->input('resolve', false); $q = '%' . $query . '%'; $profiles = Profile::whereNull('status') ->where('username', 'like', $q) ->orWhere('name', 'like', $q) ->limit($limit) ->get(); $resource = new Fractal\Resource\Collection($profiles, new AccountTransformer()); $res = $this->fractal->createData($resource)->toArray(); return response()->json($res); } /** * GET /api/v1/blocks * * * * @return \App\Transformer\Api\AccountTransformer */ public function accountBlocks(Request $request) { abort_if(!$request->user(), 403); $this->validate($request, [ 'limit' => 'nullable|integer|min:1|max:40', 'page' => 'nullable|integer|min:1|max:10' ]); $user = $request->user(); $limit = $request->input('limit') ?? 40; $blocked = UserFilter::select('filterable_id','filterable_type','filter_type','user_id') ->whereUserId($user->profile_id) ->whereFilterableType('App\Profile') ->whereFilterType('block') ->simplePaginate($limit) ->pluck('filterable_id'); $profiles = Profile::findOrFail($blocked); $resource = new Fractal\Resource\Collection($profiles, new AccountTransformer()); $res = $this->fractal->createData($resource)->toArray(); return response()->json($res); } /** * POST /api/v1/accounts/{id}/block * * @param integer $id * * @return \App\Transformer\Api\RelationshipTransformer */ public function accountBlockById(Request $request, $id) { abort_if(!$request->user(), 403); $user = $request->user(); $pid = $user->profile_id ?? $user->profile->id; if($id == $pid) { abort(400, 'You cannot block yourself'); } $profile = Profile::findOrFail($id); Follower::whereProfileId($profile->id)->whereFollowingId($pid)->delete(); Follower::whereProfileId($pid)->whereFollowingId($profile->id)->delete(); Notification::whereProfileId($pid)->whereActorId($profile->id)->delete(); $filter = UserFilter::firstOrCreate([ 'user_id' => $pid, 'filterable_id' => $profile->id, 'filterable_type' => 'App\Profile', 'filter_type' => 'block', ]); Cache::forget("user:filter:list:$pid"); Cache::forget("api:local:exp:rec:$pid"); $resource = new Fractal\Resource\Item($profile, new RelationshipTransformer()); $res = $this->fractal->createData($resource)->toArray(); return response()->json($res); } /** * POST /api/v1/accounts/{id}/unblock * * @param integer $id * * @return \App\Transformer\Api\RelationshipTransformer */ public function accountUnblockById(Request $request, $id) { abort_if(!$request->user(), 403); $user = $request->user(); $pid = $user->profile_id ?? $user->profile->id; if($id == $pid) { abort(400, 'You cannot unblock yourself'); } $profile = Profile::findOrFail($id); UserFilter::whereUserId($pid) ->whereFilterableId($profile->id) ->whereFilterableType('App\Profile') ->whereFilterType('block') ->delete(); Cache::forget("user:filter:list:$pid"); Cache::forget("api:local:exp:rec:$pid"); $resource = new Fractal\Resource\Item($profile, new RelationshipTransformer()); $res = $this->fractal->createData($resource)->toArray(); return response()->json($res); } /** * GET /api/v1/custom_emojis * * Return empty array, we don't support custom emoji * * @return array */ public function customEmojis() { return response()->json([]); } /** * GET /api/v1/domain_blocks * * Return empty array * * @return array */ public function accountDomainBlocks(Request $request) { abort_if(!$request->user(), 403); return response()->json([]); } /** * GET /api/v1/endorsements * * Return empty array * * @return array */ public function accountEndorsements(Request $request) { abort_if(!$request->user(), 403); return response()->json([]); } /** * GET /api/v1/favourites * * Returns collection of liked statuses * * @return \App\Transformer\Api\StatusTransformer */ public function accountFavourites(Request $request) { abort_if(!$request->user(), 403); $user = $request->user(); $limit = $request->input('limit') ?? 20; $favourites = Like::whereProfileId($user->profile_id) ->latest() ->simplePaginate($limit) ->pluck('status_id'); $statuses = Status::findOrFail($favourites); $resource = new Fractal\Resource\Collection($statuses, new StatusTransformer()); $res = $this->fractal->createData($resource)->toArray(); return response()->json($res); } /** * POST /api/v1/statuses/{id}/favourite * * @param integer $id * * @return \App\Transformer\Api\StatusTransformer */ public function statusFavouriteById(Request $request, $id) { abort_if(!$request->user(), 403); $user = $request->user(); $status = Status::findOrFail($id); $like = Like::firstOrCreate([ 'profile_id' => $user->profile_id, 'status_id' => $status->id ]); if($like->wasRecentlyCreated == true) { LikePipeline::dispatch($like); } $resource = new Fractal\Resource\Item($status, new StatusTransformer()); $res = $this->fractal->createData($resource)->toArray(); return response()->json($res); } /** * POST /api/v1/statuses/{id}/unfavourite * * @param integer $id * * @return \App\Transformer\Api\StatusTransformer */ public function statusUnfavouriteById(Request $request, $id) { abort_if(!$request->user(), 403); $user = $request->user(); $status = Status::findOrFail($id); $like = Like::whereProfileId($user->profile_id) ->whereStatusId($status->id) ->first(); if($like) { $like->delete(); } $resource = new Fractal\Resource\Item($status, new StatusTransformer()); $res = $this->fractal->createData($resource)->toArray(); return response()->json($res); } /** * GET /api/v1/filters * * Return empty response since we filter server side * * @return array */ public function accountFilters(Request $request) { abort_if(!$request->user(), 403); return response()->json([]); } /** * GET /api/v1/follow_requests * * Return array of Accounts that have sent follow requests * * @return \App\Transformer\Api\AccountTransformer */ public function accountFollowRequests(Request $request) { abort_if(!$request->user(), 403); $user = $request->user(); $followRequests = FollowRequest::whereFollowingId($user->profile->id)->pluck('follower_id'); $profiles = Profile::find($followRequests); $resource = new Fractal\Resource\Collection($profiles, new AccountTransformer()); $res = $this->fractal->createData($resource)->toArray(); return response()->json($res); } /** * POST /api/v1/follow_requests/{id}/authorize * * @param integer $id * * @return null */ public function accountFollowRequestAccept(Request $request, $id) { abort_if(!$request->user(), 403); // todo return response()->json([]); } /** * POST /api/v1/follow_requests/{id}/reject * * @param integer $id * * @return null */ public function accountFollowRequestReject(Request $request, $id) { abort_if(!$request->user(), 403); // todo return response()->json([]); } /** * GET /api/v1/suggestions * * Return empty array as we don't support suggestions * * @return null */ public function accountSuggestions(Request $request) { abort_if(!$request->user(), 403); // todo return response()->json([]); } /** * GET /api/v1/instance * * Information about the server. * * @return Instance */ public function instance(Request $request) { $res = [ 'description' => 'Pixelfed - Photo sharing for everyone', 'email' => config(''), 'languages' => ['en'], 'max_toot_chars' => config('pixelfed.max_caption_length'), 'registrations' => config('pixelfed.open_registration'), 'stats' => [ 'user_count' => 0, 'status_count' => 0, 'domain_count' => 0 ], 'thumbnail' => config('app.url') . '/img/pixelfed-icon-color.png', 'title' => 'Pixelfed (' . config('') . ')', 'uri' => config('app.url'), 'urls' => [], 'version' => '2.7.2 (compatible; Pixelfed ' . config('pixelfed.version') . ')' ]; return response()->json($res, 200, [], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); } /** * GET /api/v1/lists * * Return empty array as we don't support lists * * @return null */ public function accountLists(Request $request) { abort_if(!$request->user(), 403); return response()->json([]); } public function statusById(Request $request, $id) { $status = Status::whereVisibility('public')->findOrFail($id); $resource = new Fractal\Resource\Item($status, new StatusTransformer()); $res = $this->fractal->createData($resource)->toArray(); return response()->json($res); } public function context(Request $request) { // todo $res = [ 'ancestors' => [], 'descendants' => [] ]; return response()->json($res); } public function createStatus(Request $request) { abort_if(!$request->user(), 403); $this->validate($request, [ 'status' => 'string', 'media_ids' => 'array', 'media_ids.*' => 'integer|min:1', 'sensitive' => 'nullable|boolean', 'visibility' => 'string|in:private,unlisted,public', 'in_reply_to_id' => 'integer' ]); if(!$request->filled('media_ids') && !$request->filled('in_reply_to_id')) { abort(403, 'Empty statuses are not allowed'); } } }