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								                        		<p class="mb-0" style="font-size: 16px;font-weight:500;">Update LikeController, add UndoLikePipeline and federate Undo Like ac… by dansup · Pull Request #2865 · pixelfed/pixelfed</p>
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								                        		<p class="mb-0" style="font-size: 16px;font-weight:500;">No charges against Alberta man who fatally shot home intruder: RCMP</p>
								                        		<p class="mb-0 text-muted" style="font-size:14px;line-height:15px;">No charges will be laid against an Alberta man who shot and killed an intruder after being beaten with a baseball bat, RCMP announced Friday.</p>

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									v-for="(status, index) in feed"
									:key="'gs:' + status.id + index"
									v-on:likes-modal="showLikesModal(index)" />

									body-class="list-group-flush p-0">
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											class="list-group-item border-top-0 border-left-0 border-right-0 py-2"
											:class="{ 'border-bottom-0': index + 1 == likes.length }"
											v-for="(user, index) in likes" :key="'modal_likes_'+index">
											<div class="media align-items-center">
												<a :href="user.url">
													<img class="mr-3 rounded-circle box-shadow" :src="user.avatar" :alt="user.username + '’s avatar'" width="30px" onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='/storage/avatars/default.jpg';">
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													<p v-if="!user.local" class="text-muted mb-0 text-truncate mr-3" style="font-size: 14px" :title="user.acct" data-toggle="dropdown" data-placement="bottom">
														<span class="font-weight-bold">{{user.acct.split('@')[0]}}</span><span class="text-lighter">&commat;{{user.acct.split('@')[1]}}</span>
													<p v-else class="text-muted mb-0 text-truncate" style="font-size: 14px">
										<infinite-loading @infinite="infiniteLikesHandler" :distance="800" spinner="spiral">
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					<div class="col-12 col-md-5">
						<group-info-card :group="group" />
				<search-modal ref="searchModal" :group="group" :profile="profile" />
				<invite-modal ref="inviteModal" :group="group" :profile="profile" />

<script type="text/javascript">
	import StatusCard from '~/partials/StatusCard.vue';
	import GroupCompose from './partials/GroupCompose.vue';
	import GroupStatus from './partials/GroupStatus.vue';
	import GroupInfoCard from './partials/GroupInfoCard.vue';
	import LeaveGroup from './partials/LeaveGroup.vue';
	import SearchModal from './partials/GroupSearchModal.vue';
	import InviteModal from './partials/GroupInviteModal.vue';
    import GroupBanner from '@/groups/partials/Page/GroupBanner.vue';
    import GroupNavTabs from '@/groups/partials/Page/GroupNavTabs.vue';
    import GroupHeaderDetails from '@/groups/partials/Page/GroupHeaderDetails.vue';

	export default {
		props: {
			groupId: {
				type: String

			path: {
				type: String

			permalinkMode: {
				type: Boolean,
				default: false

			permalinkId: {
				type: String,

		components: {
			'status-card': StatusCard,
			'group-status': GroupStatus,
			'group-compose': GroupCompose,
			'group-info-card': GroupInfoCard,
			'leave-group': LeaveGroup,
			'search-modal': SearchModal,
			'invite-modal': InviteModal,
            'group-banner': GroupBanner,
            'group-header-details': GroupHeaderDetails,
            'group-nav-tabs': GroupNavTabs,

		data() {
			return {
				initalLoad: false,
				profile: undefined,
				group: {},
				isMember: false,
				isAdmin: false,
				tab: 'feed',
				requestingMembership: false,
				composeText: null,
				feed: [],
				ids: [],
				maxId: null,
				status: undefined,
				likes: [],
				likesPage: 1,
				likesId: undefined,
                renderIdx: 1,
				atabs: {
					moderation_count: 0,
					request_count: 0

		created() {

		methods: {
            fetchSelf() {
                .then(res => {
                    this.profile = res.data;
                .catch(err => {
                    window.location.href = '/login?_next=' + encodeURIComponent(window.location.href);
                .finally(() => {

			initObservers() {
				// let video = document.querySelectorAll('video');
				// let isPaused = false;
				// let observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => {
				// 	entries.forEach(entry => {
				// 		if (entry.intersectionRatio !=1  && !video.paused){
				// 			video.pause();
				// 			isPaused = true;
				// 		}
				// 		else if (isPaused) {
				// 			video.play();
				// 			isPaused = false
				// 		}
				// 	});
				// }, {threshold: 1});
				// observer.observe(video);

			fetchGroup() {
				axios.get('/api/v0/groups/' + this.groupId)
				.then(res => {
					this.group = res.data;
					this.isMember = res.data.self.is_member;
					this.isAdmin = ['founder', 'admin'].includes(res.data.self.role);

					if(this.isAdmin) {

					if(this.path) {
						if(this.isMember && ['about', 'topics', 'members', 'events', 'media', 'polls'].includes(this.path)) {
							setTimeout(() => {
								this.tab = this.path;
								this.initalLoad = true;
							}, 500);
						} else if (this.isAdmin && ['insights', 'moderation'].includes(this.path)) {
							setTimeout(() => {
								this.tab = this.path;
								this.initalLoad = true;
							}, 500);
						} else {
							history.pushState(null, null, this.group.url);
							this.initalLoad = true;
					} else {
						this.initalLoad = true;
				.catch(err => {
					window.location.href = '/groups/unavailable';
                .finally(() => {

			fetchAdminTabs() {
				axios.get('/api/v0/groups/' + this.groupId + '/atabs')
				.then(res => {
					this.atabs = res.data;

			fetchFeed() {
				axios.get('/api/v0/groups/' + this.groupId + '/feed')
				.then(res => {
					let self = this;
                    if(res.data && res.data.length) {
    					this.feed = res.data;

    					this.maxId = this.feed[this.feed.length - 1].id;
    					res.data.forEach(d => {
    						if(self.ids.indexOf(d.id) == -1) {

			fetchPermalink() {
				axios.get('/api/v0/groups/status', {
					params: {
						gid: this.groupId,
						sid: this.permalinkId
				}).then(res => {
					this.status = res.data;
					if(this.status.in_reply_to_id) {
						this.status.showCommentDrawer = true;
				}).catch(err => {
					this.permalinkMode = false;

            handleRefresh() {
                this.initialLoad = false;

			timestampFormat(date, showTime = false) {
				let ts = new Date(date);
				return showTime ? ts.toDateString() + ' · ' + ts.toLocaleTimeString() : ts.toDateString();

			switchTab(tab) {
				if(tab == 'feed' && this.permalinkMode) {
					this.permalinkMode = false;
				let url = tab == 'feed' ? this.group.url : this.group.url + '/' + tab;
				history.pushState(tab, null, url);
				this.tab = tab;

			joinGroup() {
				this.requestingMembership = true;

				.then(res => {
					this.requestingMembership = false;
					this.group = res.data;
				}).catch(err => {
					let body = err.response;

					if(body.status == 422) {
						this.tab = 'feed';
						history.pushState('', null, this.group.url);
						this.requestingMembership = false;
						swal('Oops!', body.data.error, 'error');

			cancelJoinRequest() {
				if(!window.confirm('Are you sure you want to cancel your request to join this group?')) {

				.then(res => {
					this.requestingMembership = false;
				}).catch(err => {
					let body = err.response;

					if(body.status == 422) {
						swal('Oops!', body.data.error, 'error');

			leaveGroup() {
				if(!window.confirm('Are you sure you want to leave this group? Any content you shared will remain accessible. You won\'t be able to rejoin for 24 hours.')) {

				.then(res => {
					this.tab = 'feed';
					history.pushState('', null, this.group.url);
					this.feed = [];
					this.isMember = false;
					this.isAdmin = false;
					this.group.self.role = null;
					this.group.self.is_member = false;

			pushNewStatus(status) {

			commentFocus(index) {
				let status = this.feed[index];
				status.showCommentDrawer = true;

			statusDelete(index) {
				this.feed.splice(index, 1);

			infiniteFeed($state) {
				if(this.feed.length < 3) {
				let apiUrl = '/api/v0/groups/' + this.groupId + '/feed';
				axios.get(apiUrl, {
					params: {
						limit: 6,
						max_id: this.maxId
				}).then(res => {
					if (res.data.length) {
						// let self = this;
						// data.forEach(d => {
						// 	if(self.ids.indexOf(d.id) == -1) {
						// 		if(self.maxId >= d.id) {
						// 			self.maxId = d.id;
						// 		}
						// 		self.ids.push(d.id);
						// 		self.feed.push(d);
						// 	}
						// });
						let posts = res.data.filter(p => this.ids.indexOf(p.id) == -1);
						this.maxId = posts[posts.length - 1].id;
						this.ids.push(...posts.map(p => p.id));
						setTimeout(() => {
						}, 1000);
					} else {

			decrementModCounter(amount) {
				let count = this.atabs.moderation_count;
				if(count == 0) {
				this.atabs.moderation_count = (count - amount);

			setModCounter(amount) {
				this.atabs.moderation_count = amount;

			decrementJoinRequestCount(amount = 1) {
				let count = this.atabs.request_count;
				this.atabs.request_count = (count - amount)

			incrementMemberCount() {
				let count = this.group.member_count;
				this.group.member_count = (count + 1);

			copyLink() {
				this.$bvToast.toast(`Succesfully copied group url to clipboard`, {
					title: 'Success',
					variant: 'success',
					autoHideDelay: 5000

			reportGroup() {
				swal('Report Group', 'Are you sure you want to report this group?')
				.then(res => {
					if(res) {
						location.href = `/i/report?id=${this.group.id}&type=group`;

			showSearchModal() {

			showInviteModal() {

			showLikesModal(index) {
				this.likesId = this.feed[index].id;
				.then(res => {
					this.likes = res.data;

			infiniteLikesHandler($state) {
				if(this.likes.length < 3) {
				axios.get('/api/v0/groups/'+this.groupId+'/likes/'+this.likesId, {
					params: {
						page: this.likesPage,
				}).then(res => {
					if (res.data.length > 0) {
						if(res.data.length != 10) {
						} else {
					} else {

<style lang="scss">
	.group-feed-component {
		&-header {
			display: flex;
			justify-content: space-between;
			align-items: flex-end;
			padding: 1rem 0;
			background-color: transparent;

			.cta-btn {
				width: 190px;

		.header-jumbotron {
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			height: 320px;
			border-bottom-left-radius: 20px;
			border-bottom-right-radius: 20px;

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			&-nav {
				.nav-item {
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							border-bottom: 2px solid #2c78bf;

				&:not(last-child) {
					.nav-item {
						margin-right: 14px;

		&-body {
			min-height: 40vh;

		.member-label {
			padding: 2px 5px;
			font-size: 12px;
			color: rgba(75, 119, 190, 1);
			background:rgba(137, 196, 244, 0.2);
			border:1px solid rgba(137, 196, 244, 0.3);
			text-transform: capitalize;

		.dropdown-item {
			font-weight: 600;

		.remote-label {
			padding: 2px 5px;
			font-size: 12px;
			color: #B45309;
			background: #FEF3C7;
			border: 1px solid #FCD34D;
			font-weight: 400;
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