@extends('layouts.app') @section('content') @if (session('status'))
{{ session('status') }}
@endif @if ($errors->any())
@foreach($errors->all() as $error)

{{ $error }}

@endif @if (session('error'))
{{ session('error') }}

Account Migration

Back to Settings


You have migrated your account already.


If you want to move this account to another account, please read the following carefully.

  • Only followers will be transferred; no other information will be moved automatically.
  • This process will transfer all followers from your existing account to your new account.
  • A redirect notice will be added to your current account's profile, and it will be removed from search results.
  • You must set up the new account to link back to your current account before proceeding.
  • Once the transfer is initiated, there will be a waiting period during which you cannot initiate another transfer.
  • After the transfer, your current account will be limited in functionality, but you will retain the ability to export data and possibly reactivate the account.

For more information on Aliases and Account Migration, visit the Help Center.


Enter the username@domain of the account you want to move to

For security purposes please enter the password of the current account
