@extends('site.help.partial.template', ['breadcrumb'=>'Community Guidelines']) @section('section')

Community Guidelines


This document was last updated {{$page->created_at->format('M d, Y')}}.

Originally adapted from the Mastodon Code of Conduct.


The following guidelines are not a legal document, and final interpretation is up to the administration of {{config('pixelfed.domain.app')}}; they are here to provide you with an insight into our content moderation policies:

The following types of content will be removed from the public timeline:

The following types of content will be removed from the public timeline, and may result in account suspension and revocation of access to the service:

The following types of content are explicitly disallowed and will result in revocation of access to the service:

Any conduct intended to stalk or harass other users, or to impede other users from utilizing the service, or to degrade the performance of the service, or to harass other users, or to incite other users to perform any of the aforementioned actions, is also disallowed, and subject to punishment up to and including revocation of access to the service. This includes, but is not limited to, the following behaviors:

These provisions notwithstanding, the administration of the service reserves the right to revoke any user's access permissions, at any time, for any reason, except as limited by law.

This document was last updated Jun 26, 2019.

Originally adapted from the Mastodon Code of Conduct.

@endif @endsection