window.Vue = require('vue'); import BootstrapVue from 'bootstrap-vue' import InfiniteLoading from 'vue-infinite-loading'; import Loading from 'vue-loading-overlay'; import VueTimeago from 'vue-timeago'; Vue.use(BootstrapVue); Vue.use(InfiniteLoading); Vue.use(Loading); Vue.use(VueTimeago, { name: 'Timeago', locale: 'en' }); pixelfed.readmore = () => { $('.read-more').each(function(k,v) { let el = $(this); let attr = el.attr('data-readmore'); if(typeof attr !== typeof undefined && attr !== false) { return; } el.readmore({ collapsedHeight: 45, heightMargin: 48, moreLink: 'Read more ...', lessLink: 'Hide', }); }); }; try { document.createEvent("TouchEvent"); $('body').addClass('touch'); } catch (e) { } window.filesize = require('filesize'); import swal from 'sweetalert'; $(document).ready(function() { $(function () { $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip() }); }); const warningTitleCSS = 'color:red; font-size:60px; font-weight: bold; -webkit-text-stroke: 1px black;'; const warningDescCSS = 'font-size: 18px;'; console.log('%cStop!', warningTitleCSS); console.log("%cThis is a browser feature intended for developers. If someone told you to copy and paste something here to enable a Pixelfed feature or \"hack\" someone's account, it is a scam and will give them access to your Pixelfed account.", warningDescCSS);