instance = $instance; } /** * The number of seconds after which the job's unique lock will be released. * * @var int */ public $uniqueFor = 14400; /** * Get the unique ID for the job. */ public function uniqueId(): string { return $this->instance->id; } /** * Execute the job. * * @return void */ public function handle() { $instance = $this->instance; if( $instance->nodeinfo_last_fetched && $instance->nodeinfo_last_fetched->gt(now()->subHours(12)) || $instance->delivery_timeout && $instance->delivery_next_after->gt(now()) ) { return; } $ni = NodeinfoService::get($instance->domain); $instance->last_crawled_at = now(); if($ni) { if(isset($ni['software']) && is_array($ni['software']) && isset($ni['software']['name'])) { $software = $ni['software']['name']; $instance->software = strtolower(strip_tags($software)); $instance->user_count = Profile::whereDomain($instance->domain)->count(); $instance->nodeinfo_last_fetched = now(); $instance->save(); } } else { $instance->delivery_timeout = 1; $instance->delivery_next_after = now()->addHours(14); $instance->save(); } } }