media->id; } /** * Get the middleware the job should pass through. * * @return array */ public function middleware(): array { return [(new WithoutOverlapping("media:video-thumb-to-cloud:id-{$this->media->id}"))->shared()->dontRelease()]; } /** * Create a new job instance. */ public function __construct(Media $media) { $this->media = $media; } /** * Execute the job. */ public function handle(): void { if((bool) config_cache('pixelfed.cloud_storage') === false) { return; } $media = $this->media; if($media->mime != 'video/mp4') { return; } if($media->profile_id === null || $media->status_id === null) { return; } if($media->thumbnail_url) { return; } $base = $media->media_path; $path = explode('/', $base); $name = last($path); try { $t = explode('.', $name); $t = $t[0].'_thumb.jpeg'; $i = count($path) - 1; $path[$i] = $t; $save = implode('/', $path); $video = FFMpeg::open($base) ->getFrameFromSeconds(1) ->export() ->toDisk('local') ->save($save); if(!$save) { return; } $media->thumbnail_path = $save; $p = explode('/', $media->media_path); array_pop($p); $pt = explode('/', $save); $thumbname = array_pop($pt); $storagePath = implode('/', $p); $thumb = storage_path('app/' . $save); $thumbUrl = ResilientMediaStorageService::store($storagePath, $thumb, $thumbname); $media->thumbnail_url = $thumbUrl; $media->save(); $blurhash = Blurhash::generate($media); if($blurhash) { $media->blurhash = $blurhash; $media->save(); } if(str_starts_with($save, 'public/m/_v2/') && str_ends_with($save, '.jpeg')) { Storage::delete($save); } if(str_starts_with($media->media_path, 'public/m/_v2/') && str_ends_with($media->media_path, '.mp4')) { Storage::disk('local')->delete($media->media_path); } } catch (Exception $e) { } if($media->status_id) { Cache::forget('status:transformer:media:attachments:' . $media->status_id); MediaService::del($media->status_id); Cache::forget('status:thumb:nsfw0' . $media->status_id); Cache::forget('status:thumb:nsfw1' . $media->status_id); Cache::forget('pf:services:sh:id:' . $media->status_id); StatusService::del($media->status_id); } } }