pid . ':d-' . $this->domain; } /** * Get the middleware the job should pass through. * * @return array */ public function middleware(): array { return [(new WithoutOverlapping("hts:feed:remove:domain:{$this->pid}:d-{$this->domain}"))->shared()->dontRelease()]; } /** * Create a new job instance. */ public function __construct($pid, $domain) { $this->pid = $pid; $this->domain = $domain; } /** * Execute the job. */ public function handle(): void { if(!config('exp.cached_home_timeline')) { return; } if(!$this->pid || !$this->domain) { return; } $domain = strtolower($this->domain); $pid = $this->pid; $posts = HomeTimelineService::get($pid, '0', '-1'); foreach($posts as $post) { $status = StatusService::get($post, false); if(!$status || !isset($status['url'])) { HomeTimelineService::rem($pid, $post); continue; } $host = strtolower(parse_url($status['url'], PHP_URL_HOST)); if($host === strtolower(config('')) || !$host) { continue; } if($host === $domain) { HomeTimelineService::rem($pid, $status['id']); } } } }