<template> <div class="w-100 h-100"> <div v-if="isMobile" class="bg-white p-3 border-bottom"> <div class="d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center"> <div @click="goBack" class="cursor-pointer"> <i class="fas fa-chevron-left fa-lg"></i> </div> <div class="font-weight-bold"> {{this.profileUsername}} </div> <div> <a class="fas fa-ellipsis-v fa-lg text-muted text-decoration-none" href="#" @click.prevent="visitorMenu"></a> </div> </div> </div> <div v-if="relationship && relationship.blocking && warning" class="bg-white pt-3 border-bottom"> <div class="container"> <p class="text-center font-weight-bold">You are blocking this account</p> <p class="text-center font-weight-bold">Click <a href="#" class="cursor-pointer" @click.prevent="warning = false;">here</a> to view profile</p> </div> </div> <div v-if="loading" style="height: 80vh;" class="d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center"> <img src="/img/pixelfed-icon-grey.svg" class=""> </div> <div v-if="!loading && !warning"> <div v-if="layout == 'metro'" class="container"> <div :class="isMobile ? 'pt-5' : 'pt-5 border-bottom'"> <div class="container px-0"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 col-md-4 d-md-flex"> <div class="profile-avatar mx-md-auto"> <!-- MOBILE PROFILE PICTURE --> <div class="d-block d-md-none mt-n3 mb-3"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-4"> <div v-if="hasStory" class="has-story cursor-pointer shadow-sm" @click="storyRedirect()"> <img :alt="profileUsername + '\'s profile picture'" class="rounded-circle" :src="profile.avatar" width="77px" height="77px" onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='/storage/avatars/default.png?v=0';"> </div> <div v-else> <img :alt="profileUsername + '\'s profile picture'" class="rounded-circle border" :src="profile.avatar" width="77px" height="77px" onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='/storage/avatars/default.png?v=0';"> </div> </div> <div class="col-8"> <div class="d-block d-md-none mt-3 py-2"> <ul class="nav d-flex justify-content-between"> <li class="nav-item"> <div class="font-weight-light"> <span class="text-dark text-center"> <p class="font-weight-bold mb-0">{{formatCount(profile.statuses_count)}}</p> <p class="text-muted mb-0 small">Posts</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <div v-if="profileSettings.followers.count" class="font-weight-light"> <a class="text-dark cursor-pointer text-center" v-on:click="followersModal()"> <p class="font-weight-bold mb-0">{{formatCount(profile.followers_count)}}</p> <p class="text-muted mb-0 small">Followers</p> </a> </div> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <div v-if="profileSettings.following.count" class="font-weight-light"> <a class="text-dark cursor-pointer text-center" v-on:click="followingModal()"> <p class="font-weight-bold mb-0">{{formatCount(profile.following_count)}}</p> <p class="text-muted mb-0 small">Following</p> </a> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- DESKTOP PROFILE PICTURE --> <div class="d-none d-md-block pb-3"> <div v-if="hasStory" class="has-story-lg cursor-pointer shadow-sm" @click="storyRedirect()"> <img :alt="profileUsername + '\'s profile picture'" class="rounded-circle box-shadow cursor-pointer" :src="profile.avatar" width="150px" height="150px" onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='/storage/avatars/default.png?v=0';"> </div> <div v-else> <img :alt="profileUsername + '\'s profile picture'" class="rounded-circle box-shadow" :src="profile.avatar" width="150px" height="150px" onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='/storage/avatars/default.png?v=0';"> </div> <p v-if="sponsorList.patreon || sponsorList.liberapay || sponsorList.opencollective" class="text-center mt-3"> <button type="button" @click="showSponsorModal" class="btn btn-outline-secondary font-weight-bold py-0"> <i class="fas fa-heart text-danger"></i> Donate </button> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-8 d-flex align-items-center"> <div class="profile-details"> <div class="d-none d-md-flex username-bar pb-3 align-items-center"> <span class="font-weight-ultralight h3 mb-0">{{profile.username}}</span> <span v-if="profile.id != user.id && user.hasOwnProperty('id')"> <span class="pl-4" v-if="relationship.following == true"> <a :href="'/account/direct/t/'+profile.id" class="btn btn-outline-secondary font-weight-bold btn-sm py-1 text-dark mr-2 px-3 btn-sec-alt" style="border:1px solid #dbdbdb;" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Message">Message</a> <button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-secondary font-weight-bold btn-sm py-1 text-dark btn-sec-alt" style="border:1px solid #dbdbdb;" v-on:click="followProfile" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Unfollow"><i class="fas fa-user-check mx-3"></i></button> </span> <span class="pl-4" v-if="!relationship.following"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary font-weight-bold btn-sm py-1 px-3" v-on:click="followProfile" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Follow">Follow</button> </span> </span> <span class="pl-4" v-if="owner && user.hasOwnProperty('id')"> <a class="btn btn-outline-secondary btn-sm" href="/settings/home" style="font-weight: 600;">Edit Profile</a> </span> <span class="pl-4"> <a class="fas fa-ellipsis-h fa-lg text-dark text-decoration-none" href="#" @click.prevent="visitorMenu"></a> </span> </div> <div class="font-size-16px"> <div class="d-none d-md-inline-flex profile-stats pb-3"> <div class="font-weight-light pr-5"> <span class="text-dark"> <span class="font-weight-bold">{{formatCount(profile.statuses_count)}}</span> Posts </span> </div> <div v-if="profileSettings.followers.count" class="font-weight-light pr-5"> <a class="text-dark cursor-pointer" v-on:click="followersModal()"> <span class="font-weight-bold">{{formatCount(profile.followers_count)}}</span> Followers </a> </div> <div v-if="profileSettings.following.count" class="font-weight-light"> <a class="text-dark cursor-pointer" v-on:click="followingModal()"> <span class="font-weight-bold">{{formatCount(profile.following_count)}}</span> Following </a> </div> </div> <div class="d-md-flex align-items-center mb-1 text-break"> <div class="font-weight-bold mr-1">{{profile.display_name}}</div> <div v-if="profile.pronouns" class="text-muted small">{{profile.pronouns.join('/')}}</div> </div> <p v-if="profile.note" class="mb-0" v-html="profile.note"></p> <p v-if="profile.website"><a :href="profile.website" class="profile-website small" rel="me external nofollow noopener" target="_blank">{{formatWebsite(profile.website)}}</a></p> <p class="d-flex small text-muted align-items-center"> <span v-if="profile.is_admin" class="btn btn-outline-danger btn-sm py-0 mr-3" title="Admin Account" data-toggle="tooltip"> Admin </span> <span v-if="relationship && relationship.followed_by" class="btn btn-outline-muted btn-sm py-0 mr-3">Follows You</span> <span> Joined {{joinedAtFormat(profile.created_at)}} </span> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div v-if="user && user.hasOwnProperty('id')" class="d-block d-md-none my-0 pt-3 border-bottom"> <p class="pt-3"> <button v-if="owner" class="btn btn-outline-secondary bg-white btn-sm py-1 btn-block text-center font-weight-bold text-dark border border-lighter" @click.prevent="redirect('/settings/home')">Edit Profile</button> <button v-if="!owner && relationship.following" class="btn btn-outline-secondary bg-white btn-sm py-1 px-5 font-weight-bold text-dark border border-lighter" @click="followProfile"> Unfollow </button> <button v-if="!owner && !relationship.following" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm py-1 px-5 font-weight-bold" @click="followProfile">{{relationship.followed_by ? 'Follow Back' : ' Follow '}}</button> <!-- <button v-if="!owner" class="btn btn-outline-secondary bg-white btn-sm py-1 px-5 font-weight-bold text-dark border border-lighter mx-2">Message</button> <button v-if="!owner" class="btn btn-outline-secondary bg-white btn-sm py-1 font-weight-bold text-dark border border-lighter"><i class="fas fa-chevron-down fa-sm"></i></button> --> </p> </div> <div class=""> <ul class="nav nav-topbar d-flex justify-content-center border-0"> <li class="nav-item border-top"> <a :class="this.mode == 'grid' ? 'nav-link text-dark' : 'nav-link'" href="#" v-on:click.prevent="switchMode('grid')"><i class="fas fa-th"></i> <span class="d-none d-md-inline-block small pl-1">POSTS</span></a> </li> <li class="nav-item px-0 border-top"> <a :class="this.mode == 'collections' ? 'nav-link text-dark' : 'nav-link'" href="#" v-on:click.prevent="switchMode('collections')"><i class="fas fa-images"></i> <span class="d-none d-md-inline-block small pl-1">COLLECTIONS</span></a> </li> <li v-if="owner" class="nav-item border-top"> <a :class="this.mode == 'bookmarks' ? 'nav-link text-dark' : 'nav-link'" href="#" v-on:click.prevent="switchMode('bookmarks')"><i class="fas fa-bookmark"></i> <span class="d-none d-md-inline-block small pl-1">SAVED</span></a> </li> <li v-if="owner" class="nav-item border-top"> <a :class="this.mode == 'archives' ? 'nav-link text-dark' : 'nav-link'" href="#" v-on:click.prevent="switchMode('archives')"><i class="far fa-folder-open"></i> <span class="d-none d-md-inline-block small pl-1">ARCHIVES</span></a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="container px-0"> <div class="profile-timeline mt-md-4"> <div v-if="mode == 'grid'"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-4 p-1 p-md-3" v-for="(s, index) in timeline" :key="'tlob:'+index"> <a class="card info-overlay card-md-border-0" :href="statusUrl(s)"> <div class="square"> <div v-if="s.sensitive" class="square-content"> <div class="info-overlay-text-label"> <h5 class="text-white m-auto font-weight-bold"> <span> <span class="far fa-eye-slash fa-lg p-2 d-flex-inline"></span> </span> </h5> </div> <blur-hash-canvas width="32" height="32" :hash="s.media_attachments[0].blurhash" /> </div> <div v-else class="square-content"> <blur-hash-image width="32" height="32" :hash="s.media_attachments[0].blurhash" :src="s.media_attachments[0].preview_url" /> </div> <span v-if="s.pf_type == 'photo:album'" class="float-right mr-3 post-icon"><i class="fas fa-images fa-2x"></i></span> <span v-if="s.pf_type == 'video'" class="float-right mr-3 post-icon"><i class="fas fa-video fa-2x"></i></span> <span v-if="s.pf_type == 'video:album'" class="float-right mr-3 post-icon"><i class="fas fa-film fa-2x"></i></span> <div class="info-overlay-text"> <h5 class="text-white m-auto font-weight-bold"> <span> <span class="far fa-comment fa-lg p-2 d-flex-inline"></span> <span class="d-flex-inline">{{formatCount(s.reply_count)}}</span> </span> </h5> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div v-if="timeline.length == 0" class="col-12"> <div class="py-5 text-center text-muted"> <p><i class="fas fa-camera-retro fa-2x"></i></p> <p class="h2 font-weight-light pt-3">No posts yet</p> </div> </div> </div> <div v-if="timeline.length"> <infinite-loading @infinite="infiniteTimeline"> <div slot="no-more"></div> <div slot="no-results"></div> </infinite-loading> </div> </div> <div v-if="mode == 'bookmarks'"> <div v-if="bookmarksLoading"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12"> <div class="p-1 p-sm-2 p-md-3 d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center" style="height: 30vh;"> <img src="/img/pixelfed-icon-grey.svg" class=""> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div v-else> <div v-if="bookmarks.length" class="row"> <div class="col-4 p-1 p-sm-2 p-md-3" v-for="(s, index) in bookmarks"> <a class="card info-overlay card-md-border-0" :href="s.url"> <div class="square"> <span v-if="s.pf_type == 'photo:album'" class="float-right mr-3 post-icon"><i class="fas fa-images fa-2x"></i></span> <span v-if="s.pf_type == 'video'" class="float-right mr-3 post-icon"><i class="fas fa-video fa-2x"></i></span> <span v-if="s.pf_type == 'video:album'" class="float-right mr-3 post-icon"><i class="fas fa-film fa-2x"></i></span> <div class="square-content" v-bind:style="previewBackground(s)"> </div> <div class="info-overlay-text"> <h5 class="text-white m-auto font-weight-bold"> <span> <span class="fas fa-retweet fa-lg p-2 d-flex-inline"></span> <span class="d-flex-inline">{{s.reblogs_count}}</span> </span> </h5> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div v-else class="col-12"> <div class="py-5 text-center text-muted"> <p><i class="fas fa-bookmark fa-2x"></i></p> <p class="h2 font-weight-light pt-3">No saved bookmarks</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div v-if="mode == 'collections'"> <div v-if="collections.length && collectionsLoaded" class="row"> <div class="col-4 p-1 p-sm-2 p-md-3" v-for="(c, index) in collections"> <a class="card info-overlay card-md-border-0" :href="c.url"> <div class="square"> <div class="square-content" v-bind:style="'background-image: url(' + c.thumb + ');'"> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div v-else> <div class="py-5 text-center text-muted"> <p><i class="fas fa-images fa-2x"></i></p> <p class="h2 font-weight-light pt-3">No collections yet</p> </div> </div> </div> <div v-if="mode == 'archives'"> <div v-if="archives.length" class="col-12 col-md-8 offset-md-2 px-0 mb-sm-3 timeline mt-5"> <div class="alert alert-info"> <p class="mb-0">Posts you archive can only be seen by you.</p> <p class="mb-0">For more information see the <a href="/site/kb/sharing-media">Sharing Media</a> help center page.</p> </div> <div v-for="(status, index) in archives"> <status-card :class="{ 'border-top': index === 0 }" :status="status" :reaction-bar="false" /> </div> <infinite-loading @infinite="archivesInfiniteLoader"> <div slot="no-more"></div> <div slot="no-results"></div> </infinite-loading> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <b-modal v-if="profile && following" ref="followingModal" id="following-modal" hide-footer centered scrollable title="Following" body-class="list-group-flush py-3 px-0" dialog-class="follow-modal"> <div v-if="!followingLoading" class="list-group" style="max-height: 60vh;"> <div v-if="!following.length" class="list-group-item border-0"> <p class="text-center mb-0 font-weight-bold text-muted py-5"> <span class="text-dark">{{profileUsername}}</span> is not following yet</p> </div> <div v-else> <div class="list-group-item border-0 py-1 mb-1" v-for="(user, index) in following" :key="'following_'+index"> <div class="media"> <a :href="profileUrlRedirect(user)"> <img class="mr-3 rounded-circle box-shadow" :src="user.avatar" :alt="user.username + '’s avatar'" width="30px" loading="lazy" onerror="this.src='/storage/avatars/default.jpg?v=0';this.onerror=null;" v-once> </a> <div class="media-body text-truncate"> <p class="mb-0" style="font-size: 14px"> <a :href="profileUrlRedirect(user)" class="font-weight-bold text-dark"> {{user.username}} </a> </p> <p v-if="!user.local" class="text-muted mb-0 text-break mr-3" style="font-size: 14px" :title="user.acct" data-toggle="dropdown" data-placement="bottom"> <span class="font-weight-bold">{{user.acct.split('@')[0]}}</span><span class="text-lighter">@{{user.acct.split('@')[1]}}</span> </p> <p v-else class="text-muted mb-0 text-truncate" style="font-size: 14px"> {{user.display_name ? user.display_name : user.username}} </p> </div> <div v-if="owner"> <a class="btn btn-outline-dark btn-sm font-weight-bold" href="#" @click.prevent="followModalAction(user.id, index, 'following')">Following</a> </div> </div> </div> <div v-if="!followingLoading && following.length == 0" class="list-group-item border-0"> <div class="list-group-item border-0 pt-5"> <p class="p-3 text-center mb-0 lead">No Results Found</p> </div> </div> <div v-if="following.length > 0 && followingMore" class="list-group-item text-center" v-on:click="followingLoadMore()"> <p class="mb-0 small text-muted font-weight-light cursor-pointer">Load more</p> </div> </div> </div> <div v-else class="text-center py-5"> <div class="spinner-border" role="status"> <span class="sr-only">Loading...</span> </div> </div> </b-modal> <b-modal ref="followerModal" id="follower-modal" hide-footer centered scrollable title="Followers" body-class="list-group-flush py-3 px-0" dialog-class="follow-modal" > <div v-if="!followerLoading" class="list-group" style="max-height: 60vh;"> <div v-if="!followerLoading && !followers.length" class="list-group-item border-0"> <p class="text-center mb-0 font-weight-bold text-muted py-5"> <span class="text-dark">{{profileUsername}}</span> has no followers yet</p> </div> <div v-else> <div class="list-group-item border-0 py-1 mb-1" v-for="(user, index) in followers" :key="'follower_'+index"> <div class="media mb-0"> <a :href="profileUrlRedirect(user)"> <img class="mr-3 rounded-circle box-shadow" :src="user.avatar" :alt="user.username + '’s avatar'" width="30px" height="30px" loading="lazy" onerror="this.src='/storage/avatars/default.jpg?v=0';this.onerror=null;" v-once> </a> <div class="media-body mb-0"> <p class="mb-0" style="font-size: 14px"> <a :href="profileUrlRedirect(user)" class="font-weight-bold text-dark"> {{user.username}} </a> </p> <p v-if="!user.local" class="text-muted mb-0 text-break mr-3" style="font-size: 14px" :title="user.acct" data-toggle="dropdown" data-placement="bottom"> <span class="font-weight-bold">{{user.acct.split('@')[0]}}</span><span class="text-lighter">@{{user.acct.split('@')[1]}}</span> </p> <p v-else class="text-muted mb-0 text-truncate" style="font-size: 14px"> {{user.display_name ? user.display_name : user.username}} </p> </div> <!-- <button class="btn btn-primary font-weight-bold btn-sm py-1">FOLLOW</button> --> </div> </div> <div v-if="followers.length && followerMore" class="list-group-item text-center" v-on:click="followersLoadMore()"> <p class="mb-0 small text-muted font-weight-light cursor-pointer">Load more</p> </div> </div> </div> <div v-else class="text-center py-5"> <div class="spinner-border" role="status"> <span class="sr-only">Loading...</span> </div> </div> </b-modal> <b-modal ref="visitorContextMenu" id="visitor-context-menu" hide-footer hide-header centered size="sm" body-class="list-group-flush p-0"> <div class="list-group" v-if="relationship"> <div class="list-group-item cursor-pointer text-center rounded text-dark" @click="copyProfileLink"> Copy Link </div> <div v-if="profile.locked == false" class="list-group-item cursor-pointer text-center rounded text-dark" @click="showEmbedProfileModal"> Embed </div> <div v-if="user && !owner && !relationship.following" class="list-group-item cursor-pointer text-center rounded text-dark" @click="followProfile"> Follow </div> <div v-if="user && !owner && relationship.following" class="list-group-item cursor-pointer text-center rounded" @click="followProfile"> Unfollow </div> <div v-if="user && !owner && !relationship.muting" class="list-group-item cursor-pointer text-center rounded" @click="muteProfile"> Mute </div> <div v-if="user && !owner && relationship.muting" class="list-group-item cursor-pointer text-center rounded" @click="unmuteProfile"> Unmute </div> <div v-if="user && !owner" class="list-group-item cursor-pointer text-center rounded text-dark" @click="reportProfile"> Report User </div> <div v-if="user && !owner && !relationship.blocking" class="list-group-item cursor-pointer text-center rounded text-dark" @click="blockProfile"> Block </div> <div v-if="user && !owner && relationship.blocking" class="list-group-item cursor-pointer text-center rounded text-dark" @click="unblockProfile"> Unblock </div> <div v-if="user && owner" class="list-group-item cursor-pointer text-center rounded text-dark" @click="redirect('/settings/home')"> Settings </div> <div class="list-group-item cursor-pointer text-center rounded text-dark" @click="redirect('/users/' + profileUsername + '.atom')"> Atom Feed </div> <div class="list-group-item cursor-pointer text-center rounded text-muted font-weight-bold" @click="$refs.visitorContextMenu.hide()"> Close </div> </div> </b-modal> <b-modal ref="sponsorModal" id="sponsor-modal" hide-footer :title="'Sponsor ' + profileUsername" centered size="md" body-class="px-5"> <div> <p class="font-weight-bold">External Links</p> <p v-if="sponsorList.patreon" class="pt-2"> <a :href="'https://' + sponsorList.patreon" rel="nofollow" class="font-weight-bold">{{sponsorList.patreon}}</a> </p> <p v-if="sponsorList.liberapay" class="pt-2"> <a :href="'https://' + sponsorList.liberapay" rel="nofollow" class="font-weight-bold">{{sponsorList.liberapay}}</a> </p> <p v-if="sponsorList.opencollective" class="pt-2"> <a :href="'https://' + sponsorList.opencollective" rel="nofollow" class="font-weight-bold">{{sponsorList.opencollective}}</a> </p> </div> </b-modal> <b-modal ref="embedModal" id="ctx-embed-modal" hide-header hide-footer centered rounded size="md" body-class="p-2 rounded"> <div> <textarea class="form-control disabled text-monospace" rows="6" style="overflow-y:hidden;border: 1px solid #efefef; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px; margin: 0 0 7px;resize:none;" v-model="ctxEmbedPayload" disabled=""></textarea> <hr> <button :class="copiedEmbed ? 'btn btn-primary btn-block btn-sm py-1 font-weight-bold disabed': 'btn btn-primary btn-block btn-sm py-1 font-weight-bold'" @click="ctxCopyEmbed" :disabled="copiedEmbed">{{copiedEmbed ? 'Embed Code Copied!' : 'Copy Embed Code'}}</button> <p class="mb-0 px-2 small text-muted">By using this embed, you agree to our <a href="/site/terms">Terms of Use</a></p> </div> </b-modal> </div> </template> <style type="text/css" scoped> .o-square { max-width: 320px; } .o-portrait { max-width: 320px; } .o-landscape { max-width: 320px; } .post-icon { color: #fff; position:relative; margin-top: 10px; z-index: 9; opacity: 0.6; text-shadow: 3px 3px 16px #272634; } .font-size-16px { font-size: 16px; } .profile-website { color: #003569; text-decoration: none; font-weight: 600; } .nav-topbar .nav-link { color: #999; } .nav-topbar .nav-link .small { font-weight: 600; } .has-story { width: 84px; height: 84px; border-radius: 50%; padding: 4px; background: radial-gradient(ellipse at 70% 70%, #ee583f 8%, #d92d77 42%, #bd3381 58%); } .has-story img { width: 76px; height: 76px; border-radius: 50%; padding: 6px; background: #fff; } .has-story-lg { width: 159px; height: 159px; border-radius: 50%; padding: 4px; background: radial-gradient(ellipse at 70% 70%, #ee583f 8%, #d92d77 42%, #bd3381 58%); } .has-story-lg img { width: 150px; height: 150px; border-radius: 50%; padding: 6px; background:#fff; } .no-focus { border-color: none; outline: 0; box-shadow: none; } .modal-tab-active { border-bottom: 1px solid #08d; } .btn-sec-alt:hover { color: #ccc; opacity: .7; background-color: transparent; border-color: #6c757d; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> import VueMasonry from 'vue-masonry-css' import StatusCard from './partials/StatusCard.vue'; import { parseLinkHeader } from '@web3-storage/parse-link-header'; export default { props: [ 'profile-id', 'profile-layout', 'profile-settings', 'profile-username' ], components: { StatusCard, }, data() { return { ids: [], profile: {}, user: false, timeline: [], timelinePage: 2, min_id: 0, max_id: 0, loading: true, owner: false, layout: 'metro', mode: 'grid', modes: ['grid', 'collections', 'bookmarks', 'archives'], modalStatus: false, relationship: {}, followers: [], followerCursor: null, followerMore: true, followerLoading: true, following: [], followingCursor: null, followingMore: true, followingLoading: true, warning: false, sponsorList: [], bookmarks: [], bookmarksPage: 2, collections: [], collectionsLoaded: false, collectionsPage: 2, isMobile: false, ctxEmbedPayload: null, copiedEmbed: false, hasStory: null, followingModalTab: 'following', bookmarksLoading: true, archives: [], archivesPage: 2 } }, beforeMount() { this.fetchProfile(); let u = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); this.layout = 'metro'; if(this.layout == 'metro' && u.has('t')) { if(this.modes.indexOf(u.get('t')) != -1) { if(u.get('t') == 'bookmarks') { return; } this.mode = u.get('t'); } } if(u.has('m') && this.modes.includes(u.get('m'))) { this.mode = u.get('m'); if(this.mode == 'bookmarks') { axios.get('/api/local/bookmarks') .then(res => { this.bookmarks = res.data; this.bookmarksLoading = false; }).catch(err => { this.mode = 'grid'; }); } if(this.mode == 'collections') { axios.get('/api/local/profile/collections/' + this.profileId) .then(res => { this.collections = res.data this.collectionsLoaded = true; }).catch(err => { this.mode = 'grid'; }); } if(this.mode == 'archives') { axios.get('/api/pixelfed/v2/statuses/archives') .then(res => { this.archives = res.data; }).catch(err => { this.mode = 'grid'; }); } } }, mounted() { let u = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); if(u.has('md') && u.get('md') == 'followers') { this.followersModal(); } if(u.has('md') && u.get('md') == 'following') { this.followingModal(); } if(document.querySelectorAll('body')[0].classList.contains('loggedIn') == true) { axios.get('/api/pixelfed/v1/accounts/verify_credentials').then(res => { this.user = res.data; window._sharedData.curUser = res.data; window.App.util.navatar(); this.fetchRelationships(); }); } }, updated() { $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); }, methods: { fetchProfile() { axios.get('/api/pixelfed/v1/accounts/' + this.profileId).then(res => { this.profile = res.data; }).then(res => { this.fetchPosts(); }); }, fetchPosts() { let apiUrl = '/api/pixelfed/v1/accounts/' + this.profileId + '/statuses'; axios.get(apiUrl, { params: { only_media: true, min_id: 1, } }) .then(res => { let data = res.data.filter(status => status.media_attachments.length > 0); let ids = data.map(status => status.id); this.ids = ids; this.min_id = Math.max(...ids); this.max_id = Math.min(...ids); this.modalStatus = _.first(res.data); this.timeline = data; this.ownerCheck(); this.loading = false; //this.loadSponsor(); }).catch(err => { swal('Oops, something went wrong', 'Please release the page.', 'error'); }); }, ownerCheck() { if($('body').hasClass('loggedIn') == false) { this.owner = false; return; } this.owner = this.profile.id === this.user.id; }, infiniteTimeline($state) { if(this.loading || this.timeline.length < 9) { $state.complete(); return; } let apiUrl = '/api/pixelfed/v1/accounts/' + this.profileId + '/statuses'; axios.get(apiUrl, { params: { only_media: true, max_id: this.max_id }, }).then(res => { if (res.data.length && this.loading == false) { let data = res.data; let self = this; data.forEach(d => { if(self.ids.indexOf(d.id) == -1) { self.timeline.push(d); self.ids.push(d.id); } }); let max = Math.min(...this.ids); if(max == this.max_id) { $state.complete(); return; } this.min_id = Math.max(...this.ids); this.max_id = max; $state.loaded(); this.loading = false; } else { $state.complete(); } }); }, previewUrl(status) { return status.sensitive ? '/storage/no-preview.png?v=' + new Date().getTime() : status.media_attachments[0].preview_url; }, previewBackground(status) { let preview = this.previewUrl(status); return 'background-image: url(' + preview + ');'; }, blurhHashMedia(status) { return status.sensitive ? null : status.media_attachments[0].preview_url; }, switchMode(mode) { if(mode == 'grid') { this.mode = mode; } else if(mode == 'bookmarks' && this.bookmarks.length) { this.mode = 'bookmarks'; } else if(mode == 'collections' && this.collections.length) { this.mode = 'collections'; } else { window.location.href = '/' + this.profileUsername + '?m=' + mode; return; } }, reportProfile() { let id = this.profile.id; window.location.href = '/i/report?type=user&id=' + id; }, reportUrl(status) { let type = status.in_reply_to ? 'comment' : 'post'; let id = status.id; return '/i/report?type=' + type + '&id=' + id; }, commentFocus(status, $event) { let el = event.target; let card = el.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement; let comments = card.getElementsByClassName('comments')[0]; if(comments.children.length == 0) { comments.classList.add('mb-2'); this.fetchStatusComments(status, card); } let footer = card.querySelectorAll('.card-footer')[0]; let input = card.querySelectorAll('.status-reply-input')[0]; if(footer.classList.contains('d-none') == true) { footer.classList.remove('d-none'); input.focus(); } else { footer.classList.add('d-none'); input.blur(); } }, likeStatus(status, $event) { if($('body').hasClass('loggedIn') == false) { return; } axios.post('/i/like', { item: status.id }).then(res => { status.favourites_count = res.data.count; if(status.favourited == true) { status.favourited = false; } else { status.favourited = true; } }).catch(err => { swal('Error', 'Something went wrong, please try again later.', 'error'); }); }, shareStatus(status, $event) { if($('body').hasClass('loggedIn') == false) { return; } axios.post('/i/share', { item: status.id }).then(res => { status.reblogs_count = res.data.count; if(status.reblogged == true) { status.reblogged = false; } else { status.reblogged = true; } }).catch(err => { swal('Error', 'Something went wrong, please try again later.', 'error'); }); }, timestampFormat(timestamp) { let ts = new Date(timestamp); return ts.toDateString() + ' ' + ts.toLocaleTimeString(); }, editUrl(status) { return status.url + '/edit'; }, redirect(url) { window.location.href = url; return; }, remoteRedirect(url) { window.location.href = window.App.config.site.url + '/i/redirect?url=' + encodeURIComponent(url); return; }, replyUrl(status) { let username = this.profile.username; let id = status.account.id == this.profile.id ? status.id : status.in_reply_to_id; return '/p/' + username + '/' + id; }, mentionUrl(status) { let username = status.account.username; let id = status.id; return '/p/' + username + '/' + id; }, statusOwner(status) { let sid = status.account.id; let uid = this.profile.id; if(sid == uid) { return true; } else { return false; } }, fetchRelationships() { if(document.querySelectorAll('body')[0].classList.contains('loggedIn') == false) { return; } axios.get('/api/pixelfed/v1/accounts/relationships', { params: { 'id[]': this.profileId } }).then(res => { if(res.data.length) { this.relationship = res.data[0]; if(res.data[0].blocking == true) { this.warning = true; } } if(this.user.id == this.profileId || this.relationship.following == true) { axios.get('/api/web/stories/v1/exists/' + this.profileId) .then(res => { this.hasStory = (res.data == true); }) } }); }, muteProfile(status = null) { if($('body').hasClass('loggedIn') == false) { return; } let id = this.profileId; axios.post('/i/mute', { type: 'user', item: id }).then(res => { this.fetchRelationships(); this.$refs.visitorContextMenu.hide(); swal('Success', 'You have successfully muted ' + this.profile.acct, 'success'); }).catch(err => { if(err.response.status == 422) { swal('Error', err.response.data.error, 'error'); } else { swal('Error', 'Something went wrong. Please try again later.', 'error'); } }); }, unmuteProfile(status = null) { if($('body').hasClass('loggedIn') == false) { return; } let id = this.profileId; axios.post('/i/unmute', { type: 'user', item: id }).then(res => { this.fetchRelationships(); this.$refs.visitorContextMenu.hide(); swal('Success', 'You have successfully unmuted ' + this.profile.acct, 'success'); }).catch(err => { swal('Error', 'Something went wrong. Please try again later.', 'error'); }); }, blockProfile(status = null) { if($('body').hasClass('loggedIn') == false) { return; } let id = this.profileId; axios.post('/i/block', { type: 'user', item: id }).then(res => { this.warning = true; this.fetchRelationships(); this.$refs.visitorContextMenu.hide(); swal('Success', 'You have successfully blocked ' + this.profile.acct, 'success'); }).catch(err => { if(err.response.status == 422) { swal('Error', err.response.data.error, 'error'); } else { swal('Error', 'Something went wrong. Please try again later.', 'error'); } }); }, unblockProfile(status = null) { if($('body').hasClass('loggedIn') == false) { return; } let id = this.profileId; axios.post('/i/unblock', { type: 'user', item: id }).then(res => { this.fetchRelationships(); this.$refs.visitorContextMenu.hide(); swal('Success', 'You have successfully unblocked ' + this.profile.acct, 'success'); }).catch(err => { swal('Error', 'Something went wrong. Please try again later.', 'error'); }); }, deletePost(status, index) { if($('body').hasClass('loggedIn') == false || status.account.id !== this.profile.id) { return; } axios.post('/i/delete', { type: 'status', item: status.id }).then(res => { this.timeline.splice(index,1); swal('Success', 'You have successfully deleted this post', 'success'); }).catch(err => { swal('Error', 'Something went wrong. Please try again later.', 'error'); }); }, followProfile() { if($('body').hasClass('loggedIn') == false) { return; } this.$refs.visitorContextMenu.hide(); const curState = this.relationship.following; const apiUrl = curState ? '/api/v1/accounts/' + this.profileId + '/unfollow' : '/api/v1/accounts/' + this.profileId + '/follow'; axios.post(apiUrl) .then(res => { if(curState) { this.profile.followers_count--; if(this.profile.locked) { location.reload(); } } else { this.profile.followers_count++; } this.relationship = res.data; }).catch(err => { if(err.response.data.message) { swal('Error', err.response.data.message, 'error'); } }); }, followingModal() { if($('body').hasClass('loggedIn') == false) { window.location.href = encodeURI('/login?next=/' + this.profileUsername + '/'); return; } if(this.profileSettings.following.list == false) { return; } if(this.followingCursor) { this.$refs.followingModal.show(); return; } else { axios.get('/api/v1/accounts/'+this.profileId+'/following', { params: { cursor: this.followingCursor, limit: 40, '_pe': 1 } }) .then(res => { this.following = res.data; if(res.headers && res.headers.link) { const links = parseLinkHeader(res.headers.link); if(links.prev) { this.followingCursor = links.prev.cursor; this.followingMore = true; } else { this.followingMore = false; } } else { this.followingMore = false; } }) .then(() => { setTimeout(() => { this.followingLoading = false }, 1000); }); this.$refs.followingModal.show(); return; } }, followersModal() { if($('body').hasClass('loggedIn') == false) { window.location.href = encodeURI('/login?next=/' + this.profileUsername + '/'); return; } if(this.profileSettings.followers.list == false) { return; } if(this.followerCursor > 1) { this.$refs.followerModal.show(); return; } else { axios.get('/api/v1/accounts/'+this.profileId+'/followers', { params: { cursor: this.followerCursor, limit: 40, '_pe': 1 } }) .then(res => { this.followers.push(...res.data); if(res.headers && res.headers.link) { const links = parseLinkHeader(res.headers.link); if(links.prev) { this.followerCursor = links.prev.cursor; this.followerMore = true; } else { this.followerMore = false; } } else { this.followerMore = false; } }) .then(() => { setTimeout(() => { this.followerLoading = false }, 1000); }); this.$refs.followerModal.show(); return; } }, followingLoadMore() { if($('body').hasClass('loggedIn') == false) { window.location.href = encodeURI('/login?next=/' + this.profile.username + '/'); return; } axios.get('/api/v1/accounts/'+this.profile.id+'/following', { params: { cursor: this.followingCursor, limit: 40, '_pe': 1 } }) .then(res => { if(res.data.length > 0) { this.following.push(...res.data); } if(res.headers && res.headers.link) { const links = parseLinkHeader(res.headers.link); if(links.prev) { this.followingCursor = links.prev.cursor; this.followingMore = true; } else { this.followingMore = false; } } else { this.followingMore = false; } }); }, followersLoadMore() { if($('body').hasClass('loggedIn') == false) { return; } axios.get('/api/v1/accounts/'+this.profile.id+'/followers', { params: { cursor: this.followerCursor, limit: 40, '_pe': 1 } }) .then(res => { if(res.data.length > 0) { this.followers.push(...res.data); } if(res.headers && res.headers.link) { const links = parseLinkHeader(res.headers.link); if(links.prev) { this.followerCursor = links.prev.cursor; this.followerMore = true; } else { this.followerMore = false; } } else { this.followerMore = false; } }); }, visitorMenu() { this.$refs.visitorContextMenu.show(); }, followModalAction(id, index, type = 'following') { const apiUrl = type === 'following' ? '/api/v1/accounts/' + id + '/unfollow' : '/api/v1/accounts/' + id + '/follow'; axios.post(apiUrl) .then(res => { if(type == 'following') { this.following.splice(index, 1); this.profile.following_count--; } }).catch(err => { if(err.response.data.message) { swal('Error', err.response.data.message, 'error'); } }); }, momentBackground() { let c = 'w-100 h-100 mt-n3 '; if(this.profile.header_bg) { c += this.profile.header_bg == 'default' ? 'bg-pixelfed' : 'bg-moment-' + this.profile.header_bg; } else { c += 'bg-pixelfed'; } return c; }, loadSponsor() { axios.get('/api/local/profile/sponsor/' + this.profileId) .then(res => { this.sponsorList = res.data; }); }, showSponsorModal() { this.$refs.sponsorModal.show(); }, goBack() { if(window.history.length > 2) { window.history.back(); return; } else { window.location.href = '/'; return; } }, copyProfileLink() { navigator.clipboard.writeText(window.location.href); this.$refs.visitorContextMenu.hide(); }, formatCount(count) { return App.util.format.count(count); }, statusUrl(status) { return status.url; if(status.local == true) { return status.url; } return '/i/web/post/_/' + status.account.id + '/' + status.id; }, profileUrl(status) { return status.url; if(status.local == true) { return status.account.url; } return '/i/web/profile/_/' + status.account.id; }, profileUrlRedirect(profile) { if(profile.local == true) { return profile.url; } return '/i/web/profile/_/' + profile.id; }, showEmbedProfileModal() { this.ctxEmbedPayload = window.App.util.embed.profile(this.profile.url); this.$refs.visitorContextMenu.hide(); this.$refs.embedModal.show(); }, ctxCopyEmbed() { navigator.clipboard.writeText(this.ctxEmbedPayload); this.$refs.embedModal.hide(); this.$refs.visitorContextMenu.hide(); }, storyRedirect() { window.location.href = '/stories/' + this.profileUsername + '?t=4'; }, truncate(str, len) { return _.truncate(str, { length: len }); }, formatWebsite(site) { if(site.slice(0, 8) === 'https://') { site = site.substr(8); } else if(site.slice(0, 7) === 'http://') { site = site.substr(7); } else { this.profile.website = null; return; } return this.truncate(site, 60); }, joinedAtFormat(created) { let d = new Date(created); return d.toDateString(); }, archivesInfiniteLoader($state) { axios.get('/api/pixelfed/v2/statuses/archives', { params: { page: this.archivesPage } }).then(res => { if(res.data.length) { this.archives.push(...res.data); this.archivesPage++; $state.loaded(); } else { $state.complete(); } }); } } } </script>