headers = $headers; $this->profile = $profile; $this->payload = $payload; } public function handle() { $this->handleVerb(); } public function handleVerb() { $verb = (string) $this->payload['type']; switch ($verb) { case 'Add': $this->handleAddActivity(); break; case 'Create': $this->handleCreateActivity(); break; case 'Follow': if (FollowValidator::validate($this->payload) == false) { return; } $this->handleFollowActivity(); break; case 'Announce': if (AnnounceValidator::validate($this->payload) == false) { return; } $this->handleAnnounceActivity(); break; case 'Accept': if (AcceptValidator::validate($this->payload) == false) { return; } $this->handleAcceptActivity(); break; case 'Delete': $this->handleDeleteActivity(); break; case 'Like': if (LikeValidator::validate($this->payload) == false) { return; } $this->handleLikeActivity(); break; case 'Reject': $this->handleRejectActivity(); break; case 'Undo': $this->handleUndoActivity(); break; case 'View': $this->handleViewActivity(); break; case 'Story:Reaction': $this->handleStoryReactionActivity(); break; case 'Story:Reply': $this->handleStoryReplyActivity(); break; case 'Flag': $this->handleFlagActivity(); break; case 'Update': $this->handleUpdateActivity(); break; case 'Move': if (MoveValidator::validate($this->payload) == false) { Log::info('[AP][INBOX][MOVE] VALIDATE_FAILURE '.json_encode($this->payload)); return; } $this->handleMoveActivity(); break; default: // TODO: decide how to handle invalid verbs. break; } } public function verifyNoteAttachment() { $activity = $this->payload['object']; if (isset($activity['inReplyTo']) && ! empty($activity['inReplyTo']) && Helpers::validateUrl($activity['inReplyTo']) ) { // reply detected, skip attachment check return true; } $valid = Helpers::verifyAttachments($activity); return $valid; } public function actorFirstOrCreate($actorUrl) { return Helpers::profileFetch($actorUrl); } public function handleAddActivity() { // stories ;) if (! isset( $this->payload['actor'], $this->payload['object'] )) { return; } $actor = $this->payload['actor']; $obj = $this->payload['object']; if (! Helpers::validateUrl($actor)) { return; } if (! isset($obj['type'])) { return; } switch ($obj['type']) { case 'Story': StoryFetch::dispatch($this->payload); break; } } public function handleCreateActivity() { $activity = $this->payload['object']; if (config('autospam.live_filters.enabled')) { $filters = config('autospam.live_filters.filters'); if (! empty($filters) && isset($activity['content']) && ! empty($activity['content']) && strlen($filters) > 3) { $filters = array_map('trim', explode(',', $filters)); $content = $activity['content']; foreach ($filters as $filter) { $filter = trim(strtolower($filter)); if (! $filter || ! strlen($filter)) { continue; } if (str_contains(strtolower($content), $filter)) { return; } } } } $actor = $this->actorFirstOrCreate($this->payload['actor']); if (! $actor || $actor->domain == null) { return; } if (! isset($activity['to'])) { return; } $to = isset($activity['to']) ? $activity['to'] : []; $cc = isset($activity['cc']) ? $activity['cc'] : []; if ($activity['type'] == 'Question') { //$this->handlePollCreate(); return; } if (is_array($to) && is_array($cc) && count($to) == 1 && count($cc) == 0 && parse_url($to[0], PHP_URL_HOST) == config('pixelfed.domain.app') ) { $this->handleDirectMessage(); return; } if ($activity['type'] == 'Note' && ! empty($activity['inReplyTo'])) { $this->handleNoteReply(); } elseif ($activity['type'] == 'Note' && ! empty($activity['attachment'])) { if (! $this->verifyNoteAttachment()) { return; } $this->handleNoteCreate(); } } public function handleNoteReply() { $activity = $this->payload['object']; $actor = $this->actorFirstOrCreate($this->payload['actor']); if (! $actor || $actor->domain == null) { return; } $inReplyTo = $activity['inReplyTo']; $url = isset($activity['url']) ? $activity['url'] : $activity['id']; Helpers::statusFirstOrFetch($url, true); } public function handlePollCreate() { $activity = $this->payload['object']; $actor = $this->actorFirstOrCreate($this->payload['actor']); if (! $actor || $actor->domain == null) { return; } $url = isset($activity['url']) ? $activity['url'] : $activity['id']; Helpers::statusFirstOrFetch($url); } public function handleNoteCreate() { $activity = $this->payload['object']; $actor = $this->actorFirstOrCreate($this->payload['actor']); if (! $actor || $actor->domain == null) { return; } if (isset($activity['inReplyTo']) && isset($activity['name']) && ! isset($activity['content']) && ! isset($activity['attachment']) && Helpers::validateLocalUrl($activity['inReplyTo']) ) { $this->handlePollVote(); return; } if ($actor->followers_count == 0) { if (config('federation.activitypub.ingest.store_notes_without_followers')) { } elseif (FollowerService::followerCount($actor->id, true) == 0) { return; } } $hasUrl = isset($activity['url']); $url = isset($activity['url']) ? $activity['url'] : $activity['id']; if ($hasUrl) { if (Status::whereUri($url)->exists()) { return; } } else { if (Status::whereObjectUrl($url)->exists()) { return; } } Helpers::storeStatus( $url, $actor, $activity ); } public function handlePollVote() { $activity = $this->payload['object']; $actor = $this->actorFirstOrCreate($this->payload['actor']); if (! $actor) { return; } $status = Helpers::statusFetch($activity['inReplyTo']); if (! $status) { return; } $poll = $status->poll; if (! $poll) { return; } if (now()->gt($poll->expires_at)) { return; } $choices = $poll->poll_options; $choice = array_search($activity['name'], $choices); if ($choice === false) { return; } if (PollVote::whereStatusId($status->id)->whereProfileId($actor->id)->exists()) { return; } $vote = new PollVote; $vote->status_id = $status->id; $vote->profile_id = $actor->id; $vote->poll_id = $poll->id; $vote->choice = $choice; $vote->uri = isset($activity['id']) ? $activity['id'] : null; $vote->save(); $tallies = $poll->cached_tallies; $tallies[$choice] = $tallies[$choice] + 1; $poll->cached_tallies = $tallies; $poll->votes_count = array_sum($tallies); $poll->save(); PollService::del($status->id); } public function handleDirectMessage() { $activity = $this->payload['object']; $actor = $this->actorFirstOrCreate($this->payload['actor']); $profile = Profile::whereNull('domain') ->whereUsername(array_last(explode('/', $activity['to'][0]))) ->firstOrFail(); if (! $actor || in_array($actor->id, $profile->blockedIds()->toArray())) { return; } if (AccountService::blocksDomain($profile->id, $actor->domain) == true) { return; } $msg = $activity['content']; $msgText = strip_tags($activity['content']); if (Str::startsWith($msgText, '@'.$profile->username)) { $len = strlen('@'.$profile->username); $msgText = substr($msgText, $len + 1); } if ($profile->user->settings->public_dm == false || $profile->is_private) { if ($profile->follows($actor) == true) { $hidden = false; } else { $hidden = true; } } else { $hidden = false; } $status = new Status; $status->profile_id = $actor->id; $status->caption = $msgText; $status->rendered = $msg; $status->visibility = 'direct'; $status->scope = 'direct'; $status->url = $activity['id']; $status->uri = $activity['id']; $status->object_url = $activity['id']; $status->in_reply_to_profile_id = $profile->id; $status->save(); $dm = new DirectMessage; $dm->to_id = $profile->id; $dm->from_id = $actor->id; $dm->status_id = $status->id; $dm->is_hidden = $hidden; $dm->type = 'text'; $dm->save(); Conversation::updateOrInsert( [ 'to_id' => $profile->id, 'from_id' => $actor->id, ], [ 'type' => 'text', 'status_id' => $status->id, 'dm_id' => $dm->id, 'is_hidden' => $hidden, ] ); if (count($activity['attachment'])) { $photos = 0; $videos = 0; $allowed = explode(',', config_cache('pixelfed.media_types')); $activity['attachment'] = array_slice($activity['attachment'], 0, config_cache('pixelfed.max_album_length')); foreach ($activity['attachment'] as $a) { $type = $a['mediaType']; $url = $a['url']; $valid = Helpers::validateUrl($url); if (in_array($type, $allowed) == false || $valid == false) { continue; } $media = new Media; $media->remote_media = true; $media->status_id = $status->id; $media->profile_id = $status->profile_id; $media->user_id = null; $media->media_path = $url; $media->remote_url = $url; $media->mime = $type; $media->save(); if (explode('/', $type)[0] == 'image') { $photos = $photos + 1; } if (explode('/', $type)[0] == 'video') { $videos = $videos + 1; } } if ($photos && $videos == 0) { $dm->type = $photos == 1 ? 'photo' : 'photos'; $dm->save(); } if ($videos && $photos == 0) { $dm->type = $videos == 1 ? 'video' : 'videos'; $dm->save(); } } if (filter_var($msgText, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { if (Helpers::validateUrl($msgText)) { $dm->type = 'link'; $dm->meta = [ 'domain' => parse_url($msgText, PHP_URL_HOST), 'local' => parse_url($msgText, PHP_URL_HOST) == parse_url(config('app.url'), PHP_URL_HOST), ]; $dm->save(); } } $nf = UserFilter::whereUserId($profile->id) ->whereFilterableId($actor->id) ->whereFilterableType('App\Profile') ->whereFilterType('dm.mute') ->exists(); if ($profile->domain == null && $hidden == false && ! $nf) { $notification = new Notification; $notification->profile_id = $profile->id; $notification->actor_id = $actor->id; $notification->action = 'dm'; $notification->item_id = $dm->id; $notification->item_type = "App\DirectMessage"; $notification->save(); if (NotificationAppGatewayService::enabled()) { if (PushNotificationService::check('mention', $profile->id)) { $user = User::whereProfileId($profile->id)->first(); if ($user && $user->expo_token && $user->notify_enabled) { MentionPushNotifyPipeline::dispatch($user->expo_token, $actor->username)->onQueue('pushnotify'); } } } } } public function handleFollowActivity() { $actor = $this->actorFirstOrCreate($this->payload['actor']); $target = $this->actorFirstOrCreate($this->payload['object']); if (! $actor || ! $target) { return; } if ($actor->domain == null || $target->domain !== null) { return; } if (AccountService::blocksDomain($target->id, $actor->domain) == true) { return; } if ( Follower::whereProfileId($actor->id) ->whereFollowingId($target->id) ->exists() || FollowRequest::whereFollowerId($actor->id) ->whereFollowingId($target->id) ->exists() ) { return; } $blocks = UserFilterService::blocks($target->id); if ($blocks && in_array($actor->id, $blocks)) { return; } if ($target->is_private == true) { FollowRequest::updateOrCreate([ 'follower_id' => $actor->id, 'following_id' => $target->id, ], [ 'activity' => collect($this->payload)->only(['id', 'actor', 'object', 'type'])->toArray(), ]); } else { $follower = new Follower; $follower->profile_id = $actor->id; $follower->following_id = $target->id; $follower->local_profile = empty($actor->domain); $follower->save(); FollowPipeline::dispatch($follower); FollowerService::add($actor->id, $target->id); // send Accept to remote profile $accept = [ '@context' => 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', 'id' => $target->permalink().'#accepts/follows/'.$follower->id, 'type' => 'Accept', 'actor' => $target->permalink(), 'object' => [ 'id' => $this->payload['id'], 'actor' => $actor->permalink(), 'type' => 'Follow', 'object' => $target->permalink(), ], ]; Helpers::sendSignedObject($target, $actor->inbox_url, $accept); Cache::forget('profile:follower_count:'.$target->id); Cache::forget('profile:follower_count:'.$actor->id); Cache::forget('profile:following_count:'.$target->id); Cache::forget('profile:following_count:'.$actor->id); } } public function handleAnnounceActivity() { $actor = $this->actorFirstOrCreate($this->payload['actor']); $activity = $this->payload['object']; if (! $actor || $actor->domain == null) { return; } $parent = Helpers::statusFetch($activity); if (! $parent || empty($parent)) { return; } if (AccountService::blocksDomain($parent->profile_id, $actor->domain) == true) { return; } $blocks = UserFilterService::blocks($parent->profile_id); if ($blocks && in_array($actor->id, $blocks)) { return; } $status = Status::firstOrCreate([ 'profile_id' => $actor->id, 'reblog_of_id' => $parent->id, 'type' => 'share', ]); Notification::firstOrCreate( [ 'profile_id' => $parent->profile_id, 'actor_id' => $actor->id, 'action' => 'share', 'item_id' => $parent->id, 'item_type' => 'App\Status', ] ); $parent->reblogs_count = $parent->reblogs_count + 1; $parent->save(); ReblogService::addPostReblog($parent->profile_id, $status->id); } public function handleAcceptActivity() { $actor = $this->payload['object']['actor']; $obj = $this->payload['object']['object']; $type = $this->payload['object']['type']; if ($type !== 'Follow') { return; } $actor = Helpers::validateLocalUrl($actor); $target = Helpers::validateUrl($obj); if (! $actor || ! $target) { return; } $actor = Helpers::profileFetch($actor); $target = Helpers::profileFetch($target); if (! $actor || ! $target) { return; } if (AccountService::blocksDomain($target->id, $actor->domain) == true) { return; } $request = FollowRequest::whereFollowerId($actor->id) ->whereFollowingId($target->id) ->whereIsRejected(false) ->first(); if (! $request) { return; } $follower = Follower::firstOrCreate([ 'profile_id' => $actor->id, 'following_id' => $target->id, ]); FollowPipeline::dispatch($follower); $request->delete(); } public function handleDeleteActivity() { if (! isset( $this->payload['actor'], $this->payload['object'] )) { return; } $actor = $this->payload['actor']; $obj = $this->payload['object']; if (is_string($obj) == true && $actor == $obj && Helpers::validateUrl($obj)) { $profile = Profile::whereRemoteUrl($obj)->first(); if (! $profile || $profile->private_key != null) { return; } DeleteRemoteProfilePipeline::dispatch($profile)->onQueue('inbox'); return; } else { if (! isset( $obj['id'], $this->payload['object'], $this->payload['object']['id'], $this->payload['object']['type'] )) { return; } $type = $this->payload['object']['type']; $typeCheck = in_array($type, ['Person', 'Tombstone', 'Story']); if (! Helpers::validateUrl($actor) || ! Helpers::validateUrl($obj['id']) || ! $typeCheck) { return; } if (parse_url($obj['id'], PHP_URL_HOST) !== parse_url($actor, PHP_URL_HOST)) { return; } $id = $this->payload['object']['id']; switch ($type) { case 'Person': $profile = Profile::whereRemoteUrl($actor)->first(); if (! $profile || $profile->private_key != null) { return; } DeleteRemoteProfilePipeline::dispatch($profile)->onQueue('inbox'); return; break; case 'Tombstone': $profile = Profile::whereRemoteUrl($actor)->first(); if (! $profile || $profile->private_key != null) { return; } $status = Status::where('object_url', $id)->first(); if (! $status) { $status = Status::where('url', $id)->first(); if (! $status) { return; } } if ($status->profile_id != $profile->id) { return; } if ($status->scope && in_array($status->scope, ['public', 'unlisted', 'private'])) { if ($status->type && ! in_array($status->type, ['story:reaction', 'story:reply', 'reply'])) { FeedRemoveRemotePipeline::dispatch($status->id, $status->profile_id)->onQueue('feed'); } } RemoteStatusDelete::dispatch($status)->onQueue('high'); return; break; case 'Story': $story = Story::whereObjectId($id) ->first(); if ($story) { StoryExpire::dispatch($story)->onQueue('story'); } return; break; default: return; break; } } } public function handleLikeActivity() { $actor = $this->payload['actor']; if (! Helpers::validateUrl($actor)) { return; } $profile = self::actorFirstOrCreate($actor); $obj = $this->payload['object']; if (! Helpers::validateUrl($obj)) { return; } $status = Helpers::statusFirstOrFetch($obj); if (! $status || ! $profile) { return; } if (AccountService::blocksDomain($status->profile_id, $profile->domain) == true) { return; } $blocks = UserFilterService::blocks($status->profile_id); if ($blocks && in_array($profile->id, $blocks)) { return; } $like = Like::firstOrCreate([ 'profile_id' => $profile->id, 'status_id' => $status->id, ]); if ($like->wasRecentlyCreated == true) { $status->likes_count = $status->likes_count + 1; $status->save(); LikePipeline::dispatch($like); } } public function handleRejectActivity() {} public function handleUndoActivity() { $actor = $this->payload['actor']; $profile = self::actorFirstOrCreate($actor); $obj = $this->payload['object']; if (! $profile) { return; } // TODO: Some implementations do not inline the object, skip for now if (! $obj || ! is_array($obj) || ! isset($obj['type'])) { return; } switch ($obj['type']) { case 'Accept': break; case 'Announce': if (is_array($obj) && isset($obj['object'])) { $obj = $obj['object']; } if (! is_string($obj)) { return; } if (Helpers::validateLocalUrl($obj)) { $parsedId = last(explode('/', $obj)); $status = Status::find($parsedId); } else { $status = Status::whereUri($obj)->first(); } if (! $status) { return; } if (AccountService::blocksDomain($status->profile_id, $profile->domain) == true) { return; } FeedRemoveRemotePipeline::dispatch($status->id, $status->profile_id)->onQueue('feed'); Status::whereProfileId($profile->id) ->whereReblogOfId($status->id) ->delete(); ReblogService::removePostReblog($profile->id, $status->id); Notification::whereProfileId($status->profile_id) ->whereActorId($profile->id) ->whereAction('share') ->whereItemId($status->reblog_of_id) ->whereItemType('App\Status') ->forceDelete(); break; case 'Block': break; case 'Follow': $following = self::actorFirstOrCreate($obj['object']); if (! $following) { return; } if (AccountService::blocksDomain($following->id, $profile->domain) == true) { return; } Follower::whereProfileId($profile->id) ->whereFollowingId($following->id) ->delete(); Notification::whereProfileId($following->id) ->whereActorId($profile->id) ->whereAction('follow') ->whereItemId($following->id) ->whereItemType('App\Profile') ->forceDelete(); FollowerService::remove($profile->id, $following->id); break; case 'Like': $objectUri = $obj['object']; if (! is_string($objectUri)) { if (is_array($objectUri) && isset($objectUri['id']) && is_string($objectUri['id'])) { $objectUri = $objectUri['id']; } else { return; } } $status = Helpers::statusFirstOrFetch($objectUri); if (! $status) { return; } if (AccountService::blocksDomain($status->profile_id, $profile->domain) == true) { return; } Like::whereProfileId($profile->id) ->whereStatusId($status->id) ->forceDelete(); Notification::whereProfileId($status->profile_id) ->whereActorId($profile->id) ->whereAction('like') ->whereItemId($status->id) ->whereItemType('App\Status') ->forceDelete(); break; } } public function handleViewActivity() { if (! isset( $this->payload['actor'], $this->payload['object'] )) { return; } $actor = $this->payload['actor']; $obj = $this->payload['object']; if (! Helpers::validateUrl($actor)) { return; } if (! $obj || ! is_array($obj)) { return; } if (! isset($obj['type']) || ! isset($obj['object']) || $obj['type'] != 'Story') { return; } if (! Helpers::validateLocalUrl($obj['object'])) { return; } $profile = Helpers::profileFetch($actor); $storyId = Str::of($obj['object'])->explode('/')->last(); $story = Story::whereActive(true) ->whereLocal(true) ->find($storyId); if (! $story) { return; } if (AccountService::blocksDomain($story->profile_id, $profile->domain) == true) { return; } if (! FollowerService::follows($profile->id, $story->profile_id)) { return; } $view = StoryView::firstOrCreate([ 'story_id' => $story->id, 'profile_id' => $profile->id, ]); if ($view->wasRecentlyCreated == true) { $story->view_count++; $story->save(); } } public function handleStoryReactionActivity() { if (! isset( $this->payload['actor'], $this->payload['id'], $this->payload['inReplyTo'], $this->payload['content'] )) { return; } $id = $this->payload['id']; $actor = $this->payload['actor']; $storyUrl = $this->payload['inReplyTo']; $to = $this->payload['to']; $text = Purify::clean($this->payload['content']); if (parse_url($id, PHP_URL_HOST) !== parse_url($actor, PHP_URL_HOST)) { return; } if (! Helpers::validateUrl($id) || ! Helpers::validateUrl($actor)) { return; } if (! Helpers::validateLocalUrl($storyUrl)) { return; } if (! Helpers::validateLocalUrl($to)) { return; } if (Status::whereObjectUrl($id)->exists()) { return; } $storyId = Str::of($storyUrl)->explode('/')->last(); $targetProfile = Helpers::profileFetch($to); $story = Story::whereProfileId($targetProfile->id) ->find($storyId); if (! $story) { return; } if ($story->can_react == false) { return; } $actorProfile = Helpers::profileFetch($actor); if (AccountService::blocksDomain($targetProfile->id, $actorProfile->domain) == true) { return; } if (! FollowerService::follows($actorProfile->id, $targetProfile->id)) { return; } $url = $id; if (str_ends_with($url, '/activity')) { $url = substr($url, 0, -9); } $status = new Status; $status->profile_id = $actorProfile->id; $status->type = 'story:reaction'; $status->url = $url; $status->uri = $url; $status->object_url = $url; $status->caption = $text; $status->rendered = $text; $status->scope = 'direct'; $status->visibility = 'direct'; $status->in_reply_to_profile_id = $story->profile_id; $status->entities = json_encode([ 'story_id' => $story->id, 'reaction' => $text, ]); $status->save(); $dm = new DirectMessage; $dm->to_id = $story->profile_id; $dm->from_id = $actorProfile->id; $dm->type = 'story:react'; $dm->status_id = $status->id; $dm->meta = json_encode([ 'story_username' => $targetProfile->username, 'story_actor_username' => $actorProfile->username, 'story_id' => $story->id, 'story_media_url' => url(Storage::url($story->path)), 'reaction' => $text, ]); $dm->save(); Conversation::updateOrInsert( [ 'to_id' => $story->profile_id, 'from_id' => $actorProfile->id, ], [ 'type' => 'story:react', 'status_id' => $status->id, 'dm_id' => $dm->id, 'is_hidden' => false, ] ); $n = new Notification; $n->profile_id = $dm->to_id; $n->actor_id = $dm->from_id; $n->item_id = $dm->id; $n->item_type = 'App\DirectMessage'; $n->action = 'story:react'; $n->save(); } public function handleStoryReplyActivity() { if (! isset( $this->payload['actor'], $this->payload['id'], $this->payload['inReplyTo'], $this->payload['content'] )) { return; } $id = $this->payload['id']; $actor = $this->payload['actor']; $storyUrl = $this->payload['inReplyTo']; $to = $this->payload['to']; $text = Purify::clean($this->payload['content']); if (parse_url($id, PHP_URL_HOST) !== parse_url($actor, PHP_URL_HOST)) { return; } if (! Helpers::validateUrl($id) || ! Helpers::validateUrl($actor)) { return; } if (! Helpers::validateLocalUrl($storyUrl)) { return; } if (! Helpers::validateLocalUrl($to)) { return; } if (Status::whereObjectUrl($id)->exists()) { return; } $storyId = Str::of($storyUrl)->explode('/')->last(); $targetProfile = Helpers::profileFetch($to); $story = Story::whereProfileId($targetProfile->id) ->find($storyId); if (! $story) { return; } if ($story->can_react == false) { return; } $actorProfile = Helpers::profileFetch($actor); if (AccountService::blocksDomain($targetProfile->id, $actorProfile->domain) == true) { return; } if (! FollowerService::follows($actorProfile->id, $targetProfile->id)) { return; } $url = $id; if (str_ends_with($url, '/activity')) { $url = substr($url, 0, -9); } $status = new Status; $status->profile_id = $actorProfile->id; $status->type = 'story:reply'; $status->caption = $text; $status->rendered = $text; $status->url = $url; $status->uri = $url; $status->object_url = $url; $status->scope = 'direct'; $status->visibility = 'direct'; $status->in_reply_to_profile_id = $story->profile_id; $status->entities = json_encode([ 'story_id' => $story->id, 'caption' => $text, ]); $status->save(); $dm = new DirectMessage; $dm->to_id = $story->profile_id; $dm->from_id = $actorProfile->id; $dm->type = 'story:comment'; $dm->status_id = $status->id; $dm->meta = json_encode([ 'story_username' => $targetProfile->username, 'story_actor_username' => $actorProfile->username, 'story_id' => $story->id, 'story_media_url' => url(Storage::url($story->path)), 'caption' => $text, ]); $dm->save(); Conversation::updateOrInsert( [ 'to_id' => $story->profile_id, 'from_id' => $actorProfile->id, ], [ 'type' => 'story:comment', 'status_id' => $status->id, 'dm_id' => $dm->id, 'is_hidden' => false, ] ); $n = new Notification; $n->profile_id = $dm->to_id; $n->actor_id = $dm->from_id; $n->item_id = $dm->id; $n->item_type = 'App\DirectMessage'; $n->action = 'story:comment'; $n->save(); } public function handleFlagActivity() { if (! isset( $this->payload['id'], $this->payload['type'], $this->payload['actor'], $this->payload['object'] )) { return; } $id = $this->payload['id']; $actor = $this->payload['actor']; if (Helpers::validateLocalUrl($id) || parse_url($id, PHP_URL_HOST) !== parse_url($actor, PHP_URL_HOST)) { return; } $content = null; if (isset($this->payload['content'])) { if (strlen($this->payload['content']) > 5000) { $content = Purify::clean(substr($this->payload['content'], 0, 5000).' ... (truncated message due to exceeding max length)'); } else { $content = Purify::clean($this->payload['content']); } } $object = $this->payload['object']; if (empty($object) || (! is_array($object) && ! is_string($object))) { return; } if (is_array($object) && count($object) > 100) { return; } $objects = collect([]); $accountId = null; foreach ($object as $objectUrl) { if (! Helpers::validateLocalUrl($objectUrl)) { return; } if (str_contains($objectUrl, '/users/')) { $username = last(explode('/', $objectUrl)); $profileId = Profile::whereUsername($username)->first(); if ($profileId) { $accountId = $profileId->id; } } elseif (str_contains($objectUrl, '/p/')) { $postId = last(explode('/', $objectUrl)); $objects->push($postId); } else { continue; } } if (! $accountId && ! $objects->count()) { return; } if ($objects->count()) { $obc = $objects->count(); if ($obc > 25) { if ($obc > 30) { return; } else { $objLimit = $objects->take(20); $objects = collect($objLimit->all()); $obc = $objects->count(); } } $count = Status::whereProfileId($accountId)->find($objects)->count(); if ($obc !== $count) { return; } } $instanceHost = parse_url($id, PHP_URL_HOST); $instance = Instance::updateOrCreate([ 'domain' => $instanceHost, ]); $report = new RemoteReport; $report->status_ids = $objects->toArray(); $report->comment = $content; $report->account_id = $accountId; $report->uri = $id; $report->instance_id = $instance->id; $report->report_meta = [ 'actor' => $actor, 'object' => $object, ]; $report->save(); } public function handleUpdateActivity() { $activity = $this->payload['object']; if (! isset($activity['type'], $activity['id'])) { return; } if (! Helpers::validateUrl($activity['id'])) { return; } if ($activity['type'] === 'Note') { if (Status::whereObjectUrl($activity['id'])->exists()) { StatusRemoteUpdatePipeline::dispatch($activity); } } elseif ($activity['type'] === 'Person') { if (UpdatePersonValidator::validate($this->payload)) { HandleUpdateActivity::dispatch($this->payload)->onQueue('low'); } } } public function handleMoveActivity() { $actor = $this->payload['actor']; $activity = $this->payload['object']; $target = $this->payload['target']; if ( ! Helpers::validateUrl($actor) || ! Helpers::validateUrl($activity) || ! Helpers::validateUrl($target) ) { return; } Bus::chain([ new ProcessMovePipeline($target, $activity), new MoveMigrateFollowersPipeline($target, $activity), new UnfollowLegacyAccountMovePipeline($target, $activity), new CleanupLegacyAccountMovePipeline($target, $activity), ]) ->catch(function (Throwable $e) { Log::error($e); }) ->onQueue('move') ->delay(now()->addMinutes(random_int(1, 3))) ->dispatch(); } }