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'comment' : 'post'; let id = status.id; return '/i/report?type=' + type + '&id=' + id; }, timestampFormat(timestamp) { let ts = new Date(timestamp); return ts.toDateString() + ' ' + ts.toLocaleTimeString(); }, editUrl(status) { return status.url + '/edit'; }, redirect(url) { window.location.href = url; return; }, replyUrl(status) { let username = this.profile.username; let id = status.account.id == this.profile.id ? status.id : status.in_reply_to_id; return '/p/' + username + '/' + id; }, mentionUrl(status) { let username = status.account.username; let id = status.id; return '/p/' + username + '/' + id; }, statusOwner(status) { let sid = parseInt(status.account.id); let uid = parseInt(this.profile.id); if(sid == uid) { return true; } else { return false; } }, deletePost() { this.$emit('deletePost'); $('#mt_pid_'+this.status.id).modal('hide'); }, hidePost(status) { status.sensitive = true; $('#mt_pid_'+status.id).modal('hide'); }, moderatePost(status, action, $event) { let username = status.account.username; switch(action) { case 'autocw': let msg = 'Are you sure you want to enforce CW for ' + username + ' ?'; swal({ title: 'Confirm', text: msg, icon: 'warning', buttons: true, dangerMode: true }); break; case 'suspend': msg = 'Are you sure you want to suspend the account of ' + username + ' ?'; swal({ title: 'Confirm', text: msg, icon: 'warning', buttons: true, dangerMode: true }); break; } }, muteProfile(status) { if($('body').hasClass('loggedIn') == false) { return; } axios.post('/i/mute', { type: 'user', item: status.account.id }).then(res => { swal('Success', 'You have successfully muted ' + status.account.acct, 'success'); }).catch(err => { swal('Error', 'Something went wrong. Please try again later.', 'error'); }); }, blockProfile(status) { if($('body').hasClass('loggedIn') == false) { return; } axios.post('/i/block', { type: 'user', item: status.account.id }).then(res => { swal('Success', 'You have successfully blocked ' + status.account.acct, 'success'); }).catch(err => { swal('Error', 'Something went wrong. Please try again later.', 'error'); }); }, statusUrl(status) { if(status.local == true) { return status.url; } return '/i/web/post/_/' + status.account.id + '/' + status.id; }, profileUrl(status) { if(status.local == true) { return status.account.url; } return '/i/web/profile/_/' + status.account.id; }, closeModal() { $('#mt_pid_'+this.status.id).modal('hide'); } } } </script>