	<div class="comment-drawer-component">
		<input type="file" ref="fileInput" class="d-none" accept="image/jpeg,image/png" @change="handleImageUpload">
		<div v-if="hide"></div>
		<div v-else-if="!isLoaded" class="border-top d-flex justify-content-center py-3">
			<div class="text-center">
					class="spinner-border text-lighter"
					<span class="sr-only">Loading...</span>
				<p class="text-muted">Loading Comments ...</p>
		<div v-else class="border-top">
			<!-- <div v-if="profile && canReply" class="my-3">
				<div class="d-flex align-items-top reply-form">
					<img class="rounded-circle mr-2 border" :src="avatar" width="38" height="38">
					<div v-if="isUploading" class="w-100">
						<p class="font-weight-light mb-1">Uploading image ...</p>
						<div class="progress rounded-pill" style="height:4px">
							<div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" :aria-valuenow="uploadProgress" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" :style="{ width: uploadProgress + '%'}"></div>
					<div v-else class="reply-form-input">
							class="form-control bg-light border-lighter rounded-pill"
							placeholder="Write a comment...."

						<div class="reply-form-input-actions">
								class="btn btn-link text-muted px-1 mr-2"
								<i class="far fa-image fa-lg"></i>
							<button class="btn btn-link text-muted px-1 small font-weight-bold border py-0 rounded-pill text-decoration-none">
			</div> -->
			<div class="my-3">
					v-for="(status, index) in feed"
					:key="'cdf' + index + status.id"
					class="media media-status align-items-top">

						v-if="replyChildId == status.id"
						<span class="sr-only">Jump to comment-{{ index }}</span>

					<a :href="status.account.url">
						<img class="rounded-circle media-avatar border" :src="status.account.avatar" width="32" height="32" onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='/storage/avatars/default.png?v=2'" />

					<div class="media-body">
						<div v-if="!status.media_attachments.length" class="media-body-comment">
							<p class="media-body-comment-username">
								<a :href="status.account.url">
							<read-more :status="status" />
						<div v-else>
							<p class="media-body-comment-username">
								<a :href="status.account.url">
							<div class="bh-comment" @click="lightbox(status)">
									class="img-fluid rounded-lg border shadow"
									:src="getMediaSource(status)" />
						<p class="media-body-reactions">
								:class="[ status.favourited ? 'text-primary' : 'text-muted' ]"
								@click.prevent="likeComment(status, index, $event)">
									{{ status.favourited ? 'Liked' : 'Like' }}
							<span class="mx-1">·</span>
							<a href="#" class="text-muted font-weight-bold" @click.prevent="replyToChild(status, index)">Reply</a>
							<span v-if="profile" class="mx-1">·</span>
								class="font-weight-bold text-muted"
								{{ shortTimestamp(status.created_at) }}
							<span v-if="profile && status.account.id === profile.id">
								<span class="mx-1">·</span>
									class="font-weight-bold text-lighter"

						<!-- <div v-if="replyChildId == status.id && status.reply_count" class="media media-status align-items-top mt-3">
							<div class="comment-border-arrow"></div>
							<a href="https://pixelfed.test/groups/328821658771132416/user/321493203255693312"><img src="https://pixelfed.test/storage/avatars/321493203255693312/5a6nqo.jpg?v=2" width="32" height="32" class="rounded-circle media-avatar border"></a>
							<div class="media-body"><div class="media-body-comment"><p class="media-body-comment-username"><a href="https://pixelfed.test/groups/328821658771132416/user/321493203255693312">
							</a></p> <div class="read-more-component" style="word-break: break-all;"><div>test</div></div></div> <p class="media-body-reactions"><a href="#" class="font-weight-bold text-muted">
							</a> <span class="mx-1">·</span> <a href="https://pixelfed.test/groups/328821658771132416/p/358529382599041029" class="font-weight-bold text-muted">
						</a> <span><span class="mx-1">·</span> <a href="#" class="font-weight-bold text-lighter">
						</div> -->

						<div v-if="replyChildIndex == index && status.hasOwnProperty('children') && status.children.hasOwnProperty('feed') && status.children.feed.length">
								v-for="(s, index) in status.children.feed"

							v-if="replyChildIndex == index &&
								status.hasOwnProperty('children') &&
								status.children.hasOwnProperty('can_load_more') &&
								status.children.can_load_more == true"
							class="text-muted font-weight-bold mt-1 mb-0"
							style="font-size: 13px;"
							@click.prevent="loadMoreChildComments(status, index)">
							<div class="comment-border-arrow"></div>
							<i class="far fa-long-arrow-right mr-1"></i>
							{{ loadingChildComments ? 'Loading' : 'Load' }} more comments

							v-else-if="replyChildIndex !== index &&
								status.hasOwnProperty('children') &&
								status.children.hasOwnProperty('can_load_more') &&
								status.children.can_load_more == true &&
								status.reply_count > 0 &&
							class="text-muted font-weight-bold mt-1 mb-0"
							style="font-size: 13px;"
							@click.prevent="replyToChild(status, index)">
							<i class="far fa-long-arrow-right mr-1"></i>
							{{ loadingChildComments ? 'Loading' : 'Load' }} more comments

						<div v-if="replyChildId == status.id" class="mt-3 mb-3 d-flex align-items-top reply-form child-reply-form">
							<div class="comment-border-arrow"></div>
							<img class="rounded-circle mr-2 border" :src="avatar" width="38" height="38" onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='/storage/avatars/default.png?v=2'">
							<div v-if="isUploading" class="w-100">
								<p class="font-weight-light mb-1">Uploading image ...</p>
								<div class="progress rounded-pill" style="height:10px">
									<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-striped progress-bar-animated" role="progressbar" :aria-valuenow="uploadProgress" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" :style="{ width: uploadProgress + '%'}"></div>
							<div v-else class="reply-form-input">
									class="form-control bg-light border-lighter rounded-pill"
									placeholder="Write a comment...."

								<!-- <div class="reply-form-input-actions">
										class="btn btn-link text-muted px-1 mr-2"
										<i class="far fa-image fa-lg"></i>
									<button class="btn btn-link text-muted px-1 small font-weight-bold border py-0 rounded-pill text-decoration-none">
								</div> -->

				<!-- <a v-if="permalinkMode && canLoadMore" class="text-muted mb-n1" style="font-size: 13px;font-weight: 600;" href="#">Load more comments ...</a> -->
				class="btn btn-link btn-sm text-muted mb-2"

				<span v-if="!isLoadingMore">
					Load more comments ...
					class="spinner-border spinner-border-sm text-muted"
					<span class="sr-only">Loading...</span>

			<div v-if="profile && canReply" class="mt-3 mb-n3">
				<div class="d-flex align-items-top reply-form cdrawer-reply-form">
					<img class="rounded-circle mr-2 border" :src="avatar" width="38" height="38" onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='/storage/avatars/default.png?v=2'">
					<div v-if="isUploading" class="w-100">
						<p class="font-weight-light small text-muted mb-1">Uploading image ...</p>
						<div class="progress rounded-pill" style="height:10px">
							<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-striped progress-bar-animated" role="progressbar" :aria-valuenow="uploadProgress" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" :style="{ width: uploadProgress + '%'}"></div>
					<div v-else class="w-100">
                        <div class="reply-form-input">
                                class="form-control bg-light border-lighter"
                                placeholder="Write a comment...."
                                :rows="replyContent && replyContent.length > 40 ? 4 : 1"

    						<div class="reply-form-input-actions">
    								class="btn btn-link text-muted px-1 mr-2"
    								<i class="far fa-image fa-lg"></i>
    							<!-- <button class="btn btn-link text-muted px-1 small font-weight-bold border py-0 rounded-pill text-decoration-none">
    							</button> -->
                        <div class="d-flex justify-content-between reply-form-menu">
                            <div class="char-counter">
                                <span>{{ replyContent?.length ?? 0 }}</span>

                        class="btn btn-link btn-sm font-weight-bold align-self-center ml-3 mb-3"

		<b-modal ref="lightboxModal"
			content-class="bg-transparent border-0"
			<div v-if="lightboxStatus" @click="hideLightbox">
				<img :src="lightboxStatus.url" style="width: 100%;max-height: 90vh;object-fit: contain;">

<script type="text/javascript">
	import ReadMore from './ReadMore.vue';
	import CommentPost from './CommentPost.vue';

	export default {
		props: {
			groupId: {
				type: String

			profile: {
				type: Object

			status: {
				type: Object

			show: {
				type: Boolean,
				default: false

			permalinkMode: {
				type: Boolean,
				default: false

			permalinkStatus: {
				type: Object

			canReply: {
				type: Boolean,
				default: true

		components: {
			"read-more": ReadMore,
			"comment-post": CommentPost

		data() {
			return {
				isLoaded: false,
				hide: false,
				feed: [],
				canLoadMore: false,
				isLoadingMore: false,
				replyContent: null,
				maxReplyId: null,
				readMoreCursor: 200,
				avatar: '/storage/avatars/default.png',
				isUploading: false,
				uploadProgress: 0,
				lightboxStatus: null,
				replyChildId: undefined,
				replyChildIndex: undefined,
				childReplyContent: null,
				postingChildComment: false,
				loadingChildComments: false,
				replyChildMinId: undefined,
                replyCursorId: null

		mounted() {
			if(this.permalinkMode && this.permalinkStatus) {
				let status = this.permalinkStatus;
				if(status.reply_count) {
					status.children = {
						feed: [],
						can_load_more: true
				this.isLoaded = true;
				this.canLoadMore = false;
			} else {

			if(this.profile && this.profile.hasOwnProperty('avatar')) {
				this.avatar = this.profile.avatar;

		methods: {
			fetchComments() {
				axios.get('/api/v0/groups/comments', {
					params: {
						gid: this.groupId,
						sid: this.status.id,
						limit: 3
				}).then(res => {
					let data = res.data.map(function(c) {
						if(c.reply_count && c.reply_count > 0) {
							c.children = {
								feed: [],
								can_load_more: true
						return c;
					this.feed = data;
					this.isLoaded = true;
					this.maxReplyId = res.data[(res.data.length - 1)].id;
					if(this.feed.length == 3) {
						this.canLoadMore = true;
					} else {
				}).catch(err => {
					this.isLoaded = true;

			loadMoreComments() {
				this.isLoadingMore = true;

				axios.get('/api/v0/groups/comments', {
					params: {
						gid: this.groupId,
						sid: this.status.id,
						limit: 3,
						max_id: this.maxReplyId
				}).then(res => {
					if(res.data[res.data.length - 1].id == this.maxReplyId) {
						this.isLoadingMore = false;
						this.canLoadMore = false;
                    setTimeout(() => {
					   this.isLoadingMore = false;
                    }, 500);
					this.maxReplyId = res.data[res.data.length - 1].id;
					if(res.data.length > 0) {
						this.canLoadMore = true;
					} else {
						this.canLoadMore = false;
				}).catch(err => {
					this.isLoadingMore = false;
					this.canLoadMore = false;

			storeComment($event) {
				axios.post('/api/v0/groups/comment', {
					gid: this.groupId,
					sid: this.status.id,
					content: this.replyContent
				.then(res => {
					this.replyContent = null;
				}).catch(err => {
					if(err.response.status == 422) {
						this.isUploading = false;
						this.uploadProgress = 0;
						swal('Oops!', err.response.data.error, 'error');
					} else {
						this.isUploading = false;
						this.uploadProgress = 0;
						swal('Oops!', 'An error occured while processing your request, please try again later', 'error');

			shortTimestamp(ts) {
				return window.App.util.format.timeAgo(ts);

			readMore() {
				this.readMoreCursor = this.readMoreCursor + 200;

			likeComment(status, index, $event) {
				let l = status.favourited ? false : true;
				this.feed[index].favourited = l;
				status.favourited = l;
				axios.post(`/api/v0/groups/comment/${l ? 'like' : 'unlike'}`, {
					sid: status.id,
					gid: this.groupId

			deleteComment(index) {
				if(window.confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this post?') == false) {

				axios.post('/api/v0/groups/comment/delete', {
					gid: this.groupId,
					id: this.feed[index].id
				}).then(res => {
					this.feed.splice(index, 1);
				}).catch(err => {
					swal('Error', 'Something went wrong. Please try again later.', 'error');

			uploadImage() {

			handleImageUpload() {
				if(!this.$refs.fileInput.files.length) {
				this.isUploading = true;
				let self = this;
				let data = new FormData();
				data.append('gid', this.groupId);
				data.append('sid', this.status.id);
				data.append('photo', this.$refs.fileInput.files[0]);

				axios.post('/api/v0/groups/comment/photo', data, {
					onUploadProgress: function(progressEvent) {
						self.uploadProgress = Math.floor(progressEvent.loaded / progressEvent.total * 100);
				.then(res => {
					this.isUploading = false;
					this.uploadProgress = 0;
				}).catch(err => {
					if(err.response.status == 422) {
						this.isUploading = false;
						this.uploadProgress = 0;
						swal('Oops!', err.response.data.error, 'error');
					} else {
						this.isUploading = false;
						this.uploadProgress = 0;
						swal('Oops!', 'An error occured while processing your request, please try again later', 'error');

			lightbox(status) {
				this.lightboxStatus = status.media_attachments[0];

			hideLightbox() {
				this.lightboxStatus = null;

			blurhashWidth(status) {
				if(!status.media_attachments[0].meta) {
					return 25;
				let aspect = status.media_attachments[0].meta.original.aspect;
				if(aspect == 1) {
					return 25;
				} else if(aspect > 1) {
					return 30;
				} else {
					return 20;

			blurhashHeight(status) {
				if(!status.media_attachments[0].meta) {
					return 25;
				let aspect = status.media_attachments[0].meta.original.aspect;
				if(aspect == 1) {
					return 25;
				} else if(aspect > 1) {
					return 20;
				} else {
					return 30;

			getMediaSource(status) {
				let media = status.media_attachments[0];

				if(media.preview_url.endsWith('storage/no-preview.png')) {
					return media.url;

				return media.preview_url;

			replyToChild(status, index) {

				if(this.replyChildId == status.id) {
					this.replyChildId = null;
					this.replyChildIndex = null;
				} else {
					this.childReplyContent = null;

				this.replyChildId = status.id;
                this.replyCursorId = status.id
				this.replyChildIndex = index;

				if(!status.hasOwnProperty('replies_loaded') || !status.replies_loaded) {
					this.$nextTick(() => {
						this.fetchChildReplies(status, index);
				} else {
                    this.$nextTick(() => {
                        this.fetchChildReplies(status, index);

			fetchChildReplies(status, index) {
				axios.get('/api/v0/groups/comments', {
					params: {
						gid: this.groupId,
						sid: status.id,
						cid: this.replyCursorId,
						limit: 3
				}).then(res => {
					if(this.feed[index].hasOwnProperty('children')) {
						this.feed[index].children.can_load_more = res.data.length == 3;
					} else {
						this.feed[index].children = {
							feed: res.data,
							can_load_more: res.data.length == 3
					this.replyChildMinId = res.data[res.data.length - 1].id;
					this.$nextTick(() => {
						this.feed[index].replies_loaded = true;
				}).catch(err => {
					this.feed[index].children.can_load_more = false;

			storeChildComment(index) {
				this.postingChildComment = true;

				axios.post('/api/v0/groups/comment', {
					gid: this.groupId,
					sid: this.status.id,
					cid: this.replyChildId,
					content: this.childReplyContent
				.then(res => {
					this.childReplyContent = null;
					this.postingChildComment = false;
					// this.feed.unshift(res.data);
				}).catch(err => {
					if(err.response.status == 422) {
						// this.isUploading = false;
						// this.uploadProgress = 0;
						swal('Oops!', err.response.data.error, 'error');
					} else {
						// this.isUploading = false;
						// this.uploadProgress = 0;
						swal('Oops!', 'An error occured while processing your request, please try again later', 'error');

			loadMoreChildComments(status, index) {
				this.loadingChildComments = true;

				axios.get('/api/v0/groups/comments', {
					params: {
						gid: this.groupId,
						sid: status.id,
						max_id: this.replyChildMinId,
						cid: 1,
						limit: 3
				}).then(res => {
					if(this.feed[index].hasOwnProperty('children')) {
						this.feed[index].children.can_load_more = res.data.length == 3;
					} else {
						this.feed[index].children = {
							feed: res.data,
							can_load_more: res.data.length == 3
					this.replyChildMinId = res.data[res.data.length - 1].id;
					this.feed[index].replies_loaded = true;
					this.loadingChildComments = false;
				}).catch(err => {

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