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namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\DirectMessage;
use App\Jobs\DirectPipeline\DirectDeletePipeline;
use App\Jobs\DirectPipeline\DirectDeliverPipeline;
use App\Jobs\StatusPipeline\StatusDelete;
use App\Media;
use App\Models\Conversation;
use App\Notification;
use App\Profile;
use App\Services\AccountService;
use App\Services\MediaBlocklistService;
use App\Services\MediaPathService;
use App\Services\MediaService;
use App\Services\StatusService;
use App\Services\UserFilterService;
use App\Services\UserRoleService;
use App\Services\UserStorageService;
use App\Services\WebfingerService;
use App\Status;
use App\UserFilter;
use App\Util\ActivityPub\Helpers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
class DirectMessageController extends Controller
public function __construct()
public function browse(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'a' => 'nullable|string|in:inbox,sent,filtered',
'page' => 'nullable|integer|min:1|max:99',
$user = $request->user();
if ($user->has_roles && ! UserRoleService::can('can-direct-message', $user->id)) {
return [];
$profile = $user->profile_id;
$action = $request->input('a', 'inbox');
$page = $request->input('page');
if (config('database.default') == 'pgsql') {
if ($action == 'inbox') {
$dms = DirectMessage::select('id', 'type', 'to_id', 'from_id', 'id', 'status_id', 'is_hidden', 'meta', 'created_at', 'read_at')
->with(['author', 'status'])
->when($page, function ($q, $page) {
if ($page > 1) {
return $q->offset($page * 8 - 8);
->map(function ($r) use ($profile) {
return $r->from_id !== $profile ? [
'id' => (string) $r->from_id,
'name' => $r->author->name,
'username' => $r->author->username,
'avatar' => $r->author->avatarUrl(),
'url' => $r->author->url(),
'isLocal' => (bool) ! $r->author->domain,
'domain' => $r->author->domain,
'timeAgo' => $r->created_at->diffForHumans(null, true, true),
'lastMessage' => $r->status->caption,
'messages' => [],
] : [
'id' => (string) $r->to_id,
'name' => $r->recipient->name,
'username' => $r->recipient->username,
'avatar' => $r->recipient->avatarUrl(),
'url' => $r->recipient->url(),
'isLocal' => (bool) ! $r->recipient->domain,
'domain' => $r->recipient->domain,
'timeAgo' => $r->created_at->diffForHumans(null, true, true),
'lastMessage' => $r->status->caption,
'messages' => [],
if ($action == 'sent') {
$dms = DirectMessage::select('id', 'type', 'to_id', 'from_id', 'id', 'status_id', 'is_hidden', 'meta', 'created_at', 'read_at')
->with(['author', 'status'])
->orderBy('id', 'desc')
->when($page, function ($q, $page) {
if ($page > 1) {
return $q->offset($page * 8 - 8);
->map(function ($r) use ($profile) {
return $r->from_id !== $profile ? [
'id' => (string) $r->from_id,
'name' => $r->author->name,
'username' => $r->author->username,
'avatar' => $r->author->avatarUrl(),
'url' => $r->author->url(),
'isLocal' => (bool) ! $r->author->domain,
'domain' => $r->author->domain,
'timeAgo' => $r->created_at->diffForHumans(null, true, true),
'lastMessage' => $r->status->caption,
'messages' => [],
] : [
'id' => (string) $r->to_id,
'name' => $r->recipient->name,
'username' => $r->recipient->username,
'avatar' => $r->recipient->avatarUrl(),
'url' => $r->recipient->url(),
'isLocal' => (bool) ! $r->recipient->domain,
'domain' => $r->recipient->domain,
'timeAgo' => $r->created_at->diffForHumans(null, true, true),
'lastMessage' => $r->status->caption,
'messages' => [],
if ($action == 'filtered') {
$dms = DirectMessage::select('id', 'type', 'to_id', 'from_id', 'id', 'status_id', 'is_hidden', 'meta', 'created_at', 'read_at')
->with(['author', 'status'])
->orderBy('id', 'desc')
->when($page, function ($q, $page) {
if ($page > 1) {
return $q->offset($page * 8 - 8);
->map(function ($r) use ($profile) {
return $r->from_id !== $profile ? [
'id' => (string) $r->from_id,
'name' => $r->author->name,
'username' => $r->author->username,
'avatar' => $r->author->avatarUrl(),
'url' => $r->author->url(),
'isLocal' => (bool) ! $r->author->domain,
'domain' => $r->author->domain,
'timeAgo' => $r->created_at->diffForHumans(null, true, true),
'lastMessage' => $r->status->caption,
'messages' => [],
] : [
'id' => (string) $r->to_id,
'name' => $r->recipient->name,
'username' => $r->recipient->username,
'avatar' => $r->recipient->avatarUrl(),
'url' => $r->recipient->url(),
'isLocal' => (bool) ! $r->recipient->domain,
'domain' => $r->recipient->domain,
'timeAgo' => $r->created_at->diffForHumans(null, true, true),
'lastMessage' => $r->status->caption,
'messages' => [],
} elseif (config('database.default') == 'mysql') {
if ($action == 'inbox') {
$dms = DirectMessage::selectRaw('*, max(created_at) as createdAt')
->with(['author', 'status'])
->when($page, function ($q, $page) {
if ($page > 1) {
return $q->offset($page * 8 - 8);
->map(function ($r) use ($profile) {
return $r->from_id !== $profile ? [
'id' => (string) $r->from_id,
'name' => $r->author->name,
'username' => $r->author->username,
'avatar' => $r->author->avatarUrl(),
'url' => $r->author->url(),
'isLocal' => (bool) ! $r->author->domain,
'domain' => $r->author->domain,
'timeAgo' => $r->created_at->diffForHumans(null, true, true),
'lastMessage' => $r->status->caption,
'messages' => [],
] : [
'id' => (string) $r->to_id,
'name' => $r->recipient->name,
'username' => $r->recipient->username,
'avatar' => $r->recipient->avatarUrl(),
'url' => $r->recipient->url(),
'isLocal' => (bool) ! $r->recipient->domain,
'domain' => $r->recipient->domain,
'timeAgo' => $r->created_at->diffForHumans(null, true, true),
'lastMessage' => $r->status->caption,
'messages' => [],
if ($action == 'sent') {
$dms = DirectMessage::selectRaw('*, max(created_at) as createdAt')
->with(['author', 'status'])
->orderBy('createdAt', 'desc')
->when($page, function ($q, $page) {
if ($page > 1) {
return $q->offset($page * 8 - 8);
->map(function ($r) use ($profile) {
return $r->from_id !== $profile ? [
'id' => (string) $r->from_id,
'name' => $r->author->name,
'username' => $r->author->username,
'avatar' => $r->author->avatarUrl(),
'url' => $r->author->url(),
'isLocal' => (bool) ! $r->author->domain,
'domain' => $r->author->domain,
'timeAgo' => $r->created_at->diffForHumans(null, true, true),
'lastMessage' => $r->status->caption,
'messages' => [],
] : [
'id' => (string) $r->to_id,
'name' => $r->recipient->name,
'username' => $r->recipient->username,
'avatar' => $r->recipient->avatarUrl(),
'url' => $r->recipient->url(),
'isLocal' => (bool) ! $r->recipient->domain,
'domain' => $r->recipient->domain,
'timeAgo' => $r->created_at->diffForHumans(null, true, true),
'lastMessage' => $r->status->caption,
'messages' => [],
if ($action == 'filtered') {
$dms = DirectMessage::selectRaw('*, max(created_at) as createdAt')
->with(['author', 'status'])
->orderBy('createdAt', 'desc')
->when($page, function ($q, $page) {
if ($page > 1) {
return $q->offset($page * 8 - 8);
->map(function ($r) use ($profile) {
return $r->from_id !== $profile ? [
'id' => (string) $r->from_id,
'name' => $r->author->name,
'username' => $r->author->username,
'avatar' => $r->author->avatarUrl(),
'url' => $r->author->url(),
'isLocal' => (bool) ! $r->author->domain,
'domain' => $r->author->domain,
'timeAgo' => $r->created_at->diffForHumans(null, true, true),
'lastMessage' => $r->status->caption,
'messages' => [],
] : [
'id' => (string) $r->to_id,
'name' => $r->recipient->name,
'username' => $r->recipient->username,
'avatar' => $r->recipient->avatarUrl(),
'url' => $r->recipient->url(),
'isLocal' => (bool) ! $r->recipient->domain,
'domain' => $r->recipient->domain,
'timeAgo' => $r->created_at->diffForHumans(null, true, true),
'lastMessage' => $r->status->caption,
'messages' => [],
return response()->json($dms->all());
public function create(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'to_id' => 'required',
'message' => 'required|string|min:1|max:500',
'type' => 'required|in:text,emoji',
$user = $request->user();
abort_if($user->has_roles && ! UserRoleService::can('can-direct-message', $user->id), 403, 'Invalid permissions for this action');
abort_if($user->created_at->gt(now()->subHours(72)), 400, 'You need to wait a bit before you can DM another account');
$profile = $user->profile;
$recipient = Profile::where('id', '!=', $profile->id)->findOrFail($request->input('to_id'));
abort_if(in_array($profile->id, $recipient->blockedIds()->toArray()), 403);
$msg = $request->input('message');
if ((! $recipient->domain && $recipient->user->settings->public_dm == false) || $recipient->is_private) {
if ($recipient->follows($profile) == true) {
$hidden = false;
} else {
$hidden = true;
} else {
$hidden = false;
$status = new Status;
$status->profile_id = $profile->id;
$status->caption = $msg;
$status->rendered = $msg;
$status->visibility = 'direct';
$status->scope = 'direct';
$status->in_reply_to_profile_id = $recipient->id;
$dm = new DirectMessage;
$dm->to_id = $recipient->id;
$dm->from_id = $profile->id;
$dm->status_id = $status->id;
$dm->is_hidden = $hidden;
$dm->type = $request->input('type');
'to_id' => $recipient->id,
'from_id' => $profile->id,
'type' => $dm->type,
'status_id' => $status->id,
'dm_id' => $dm->id,
'is_hidden' => $hidden,
if (filter_var($msg, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
if (Helpers::validateUrl($msg)) {
$dm->type = 'link';
$dm->meta = [
'domain' => parse_url($msg, PHP_URL_HOST),
'local' => parse_url($msg, PHP_URL_HOST) ==
parse_url(config('app.url'), PHP_URL_HOST),
$nf = UserFilter::whereUserId($recipient->id)
if ($recipient->domain == null && $hidden == false && ! $nf) {
$notification = new Notification;
$notification->profile_id = $recipient->id;
$notification->actor_id = $profile->id;
$notification->action = 'dm';
$notification->item_id = $dm->id;
$notification->item_type = "App\DirectMessage";
if ($recipient->domain) {
$res = [
'id' => (string) $dm->id,
'isAuthor' => $profile->id == $dm->from_id,
'reportId' => (string) $dm->status_id,
'hidden' => (bool) $dm->is_hidden,
'type' => $dm->type,
'text' => $dm->status->caption,
'media' => null,
'timeAgo' => $dm->created_at->diffForHumans(null, null, true),
'seen' => $dm->read_at != null,
'meta' => $dm->meta,
return response()->json($res);
public function thread(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'pid' => 'required',
'max_id' => 'sometimes|integer',
'min_id' => 'sometimes|integer',
$user = $request->user();
abort_if($user->has_roles && ! UserRoleService::can('can-direct-message', $user->id), 403, 'Invalid permissions for this action');
$uid = $user->profile_id;
$pid = $request->input('pid');
$max_id = $request->input('max_id');
$min_id = $request->input('min_id');
$r = Profile::findOrFail($pid);
if ($min_id) {
$res = DirectMessage::select('*')
->where('id', '>', $min_id)
->where(function ($query) use ($pid, $uid) {
$query->where('from_id', $pid)->where('to_id', $uid);
})->orWhere(function ($query) use ($pid, $uid) {
$query->where('from_id', $uid)->where('to_id', $pid);
->orderBy('id', 'asc')
} elseif ($max_id) {
$res = DirectMessage::select('*')
->where('id', '<', $max_id)
->where(function ($query) use ($pid, $uid) {
$query->where('from_id', $pid)->where('to_id', $uid);
})->orWhere(function ($query) use ($pid, $uid) {
$query->where('from_id', $uid)->where('to_id', $pid);
->orderBy('id', 'desc')
} else {
$res = DirectMessage::where(function ($query) use ($pid, $uid) {
$query->where('from_id', $pid)->where('to_id', $uid);
})->orWhere(function ($query) use ($pid, $uid) {
$query->where('from_id', $uid)->where('to_id', $pid);
->orderBy('id', 'desc')
$res = $res->filter(function ($s) {
return $s && $s->status;
->map(function ($s) use ($uid) {
return [
'id' => (string) $s->id,
'hidden' => (bool) $s->is_hidden,
'isAuthor' => $uid == $s->from_id,
'type' => $s->type,
'text' => $s->status->caption,
'media' => $s->status->firstMedia() ? $s->status->firstMedia()->url() : null,
'carousel' => MediaService::get($s->status_id),
'created_at' => $s->created_at->format('c'),
'timeAgo' => $s->created_at->diffForHumans(null, null, true),
'seen' => $s->read_at != null,
'reportId' => (string) $s->status_id,
'meta' => json_decode($s->meta, true),
$filters = UserFilterService::mutes($uid);
$w = [
'id' => (string) $r->id,
'name' => $r->name,
'username' => $r->username,
'avatar' => $r->avatarUrl(),
'url' => $r->url(),
'muted' => in_array($r->id, $filters),
'isLocal' => (bool) ! $r->domain,
'domain' => $r->domain,
'created_at' => $r->created_at->format('c'),
'updated_at' => $r->updated_at->format('c'),
'timeAgo' => $r->created_at->diffForHumans(null, true, true),
'lastMessage' => '',
'messages' => $res,
return response()->json($w, 200, [], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
public function delete(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'id' => 'required',
$sid = $request->input('id');
$pid = $request->user()->profile_id;
$dm = DirectMessage::whereFromId($pid)
$status = Status::whereProfileId($pid)
$recipient = AccountService::get($dm->to_id);
if (! $recipient) {
return response('', 422);
if ($recipient['local'] == false) {
$dmc = $dm;
} else {
if (Conversation::whereStatusId($sid)->count()) {
$latest = DirectMessage::where(['from_id' => $dm->from_id, 'to_id' => $dm->to_id])
->orWhere(['to_id' => $dm->from_id, 'from_id' => $dm->to_id])
if ($latest->status_id == $sid) {
Conversation::where(['to_id' => $dm->from_id, 'from_id' => $dm->to_id])
'updated_at' => $latest->updated_at,
'status_id' => $latest->status_id,
'type' => $latest->type,
'is_hidden' => false,
Conversation::where(['to_id' => $dm->to_id, 'from_id' => $dm->from_id])
'updated_at' => $latest->updated_at,
'status_id' => $latest->status_id,
'type' => $latest->type,
'is_hidden' => false,
} else {
'status_id' => $sid,
'to_id' => $dm->from_id,
'from_id' => $dm->to_id,
'status_id' => $sid,
'from_id' => $dm->from_id,
'to_id' => $dm->to_id,
StatusService::del($status->id, true);
return [200];
public function get(Request $request, $id)
$user = $request->user();
abort_if($user->has_roles && ! UserRoleService::can('can-direct-message', $user->id), 403, 'Invalid permissions for this action');
$pid = $request->user()->profile_id;
$dm = DirectMessage::whereStatusId($id)->firstOrFail();
abort_if($pid !== $dm->to_id && $pid !== $dm->from_id, 404);
return response()->json($dm, 200, [], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
public function mediaUpload(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'file' => function () {
return [
'to_id' => 'required',
$user = $request->user();
abort_if($user->has_roles && ! UserRoleService::can('can-direct-message', $user->id), 403, 'Invalid permissions for this action');
$profile = $user->profile;
$recipient = Profile::where('id', '!=', $profile->id)->findOrFail($request->input('to_id'));
abort_if(in_array($profile->id, $recipient->blockedIds()->toArray()), 403);
if ((! $recipient->domain && $recipient->user->settings->public_dm == false) || $recipient->is_private) {
if ($recipient->follows($profile) == true) {
$hidden = false;
} else {
$hidden = true;
} else {
$hidden = false;
$accountSize = UserStorageService::get($user->id);
abort_if($accountSize === -1, 403, 'Invalid request.');
$photo = $request->file('file');
$fileSize = $photo->getSize();
$sizeInKbs = (int) ceil($fileSize / 1000);
$updatedAccountSize = (int) $accountSize + (int) $sizeInKbs;
if ((bool) config_cache('pixelfed.enforce_account_limit') == true) {
$limit = (int) config_cache('pixelfed.max_account_size');
if ($updatedAccountSize >= $limit) {
abort(403, 'Account size limit reached.');
$mimes = explode(',', config_cache('pixelfed.media_types'));
if (in_array($photo->getMimeType(), $mimes) == false) {
abort(403, 'Invalid or unsupported mime type.');
$storagePath = MediaPathService::get($user, 2).Str::random(8);
$path = $photo->storePublicly($storagePath);
$hash = \hash_file('sha256', $photo);
abort_if(MediaBlocklistService::exists($hash) == true, 451);
$status = new Status;
$status->profile_id = $profile->id;
$status->caption = null;
$status->rendered = null;
$status->visibility = 'direct';
$status->scope = 'direct';
$status->in_reply_to_profile_id = $recipient->id;
$media = new Media;
$media->status_id = $status->id;
$media->profile_id = $profile->id;
$media->user_id = $user->id;
$media->media_path = $path;
$media->original_sha256 = $hash;
$media->size = $photo->getSize();
$media->mime = $photo->getMimeType();
$media->caption = null;
$media->filter_class = null;
$media->filter_name = null;
$dm = new DirectMessage;
$dm->to_id = $recipient->id;
$dm->from_id = $profile->id;
$dm->status_id = $status->id;
$dm->type = array_first(explode('/', $media->mime)) == 'video' ? 'video' : 'photo';
$dm->is_hidden = $hidden;
'to_id' => $recipient->id,
'from_id' => $profile->id,
'type' => $dm->type,
'status_id' => $status->id,
'dm_id' => $dm->id,
'is_hidden' => $hidden,
$user->storage_used = (int) $updatedAccountSize;
$user->storage_used_updated_at = now();
if ($recipient->domain) {
return [
'id' => $dm->id,
'reportId' => (string) $dm->status_id,
'type' => $dm->type,
'url' => $media->url(),
public function composeLookup(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'q' => 'required|string|min:2|max:50',
'remote' => 'nullable',
$user = $request->user();
if ($user->has_roles && ! UserRoleService::can('can-direct-message', $user->id)) {
return [];
$q = $request->input('q');
$r = $request->input('remote', false);
if ($r && ! Str::of($q)->contains('.')) {
return [];
if ($r && Helpers::validateUrl($q)) {
if (Str::of($q)->startsWith('@')) {
if (strlen($q) < 3) {
return [];
if (substr_count($q, '@') == 2) {
$q = mb_substr($q, 1);
$blocked = UserFilter::whereFilterableType('App\Profile')
$results = Profile::select('id', 'domain', 'username')
->whereNotIn('id', $blocked)
->where('username', 'like', '%'.$q.'%')
->map(function ($r) {
$acct = AccountService::get($r->id);
return [
'local' => (bool) ! $r->domain,
'id' => (string) $r->id,
'name' => $r->username,
'privacy' => true,
'avatar' => $r->avatarUrl(),
'account' => $acct,
return $results;
public function read(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'pid' => 'required',
'sid' => 'required',
$pid = $request->input('pid');
$sid = $request->input('sid');
$user = $request->user();
abort_if($user->has_roles && ! UserRoleService::can('can-direct-message', $user->id), 403, 'Invalid permissions for this action');
$dms = DirectMessage::whereToId($request->user()->profile_id)
->where('status_id', '>=', $sid)
$now = now();
foreach ($dms as $dm) {
$dm->read_at = $now;
return response()->json($dms->pluck('id'));
public function mute(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'id' => 'required',
$user = $request->user();
abort_if($user->has_roles && ! UserRoleService::can('can-direct-message', $user->id), 403, 'Invalid permissions for this action');
$fid = $request->input('id');
$pid = $request->user()->profile_id;
'user_id' => $pid,
'filterable_id' => $fid,
'filterable_type' => 'App\Profile',
'filter_type' => 'dm.mute',
return [200];
public function unmute(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'id' => 'required',
$user = $request->user();
abort_if($user->has_roles && ! UserRoleService::can('can-direct-message', $user->id), 403, 'Invalid permissions for this action');
$fid = $request->input('id');
$pid = $request->user()->profile_id;
$f = UserFilter::whereUserId($pid)
return [200];
public function remoteDeliver($dm)
$profile = $dm->author;
$url = $dm->recipient->sharedInbox ?? $dm->recipient->inbox_url;
$tags = [
'type' => 'Mention',
'href' => $dm->recipient->permalink(),
'name' => $dm->recipient->emailUrl(),
$body = [
'@context' => [
'id' => $dm->status->permalink(),
'type' => 'Create',
'actor' => $dm->status->profile->permalink(),
'published' => $dm->status->created_at->toAtomString(),
'to' => [$dm->recipient->permalink()],
'cc' => [],
'object' => [
'id' => $dm->status->url(),
'type' => 'Note',
'summary' => null,
'content' => $dm->status->rendered ?? $dm->status->caption,
'inReplyTo' => null,
'published' => $dm->status->created_at->toAtomString(),
'url' => $dm->status->url(),
'attributedTo' => $dm->status->profile->permalink(),
'to' => [$dm->recipient->permalink()],
'cc' => [],
'sensitive' => (bool) $dm->status->is_nsfw,
'attachment' => $dm->status->media()->orderBy('order')->get()->map(function ($media) {
return [
'type' => $media->activityVerb(),
'mediaType' => $media->mime,
'url' => $media->url(),
'name' => $media->caption,
'tag' => $tags,
DirectDeliverPipeline::dispatch($profile, $url, $body)->onQueue('high');
public function remoteDelete($dm)
$profile = $dm->author;
$url = $dm->recipient->sharedInbox ?? $dm->recipient->inbox_url;
$body = [
'@context' => [
'id' => $dm->status->permalink('#delete'),
'to' => [
'type' => 'Delete',
'actor' => $dm->status->profile->permalink(),
'object' => [
'id' => $dm->status->url(),
'type' => 'Tombstone',
DirectDeletePipeline::dispatch($profile, $url, $body)->onQueue('high');